Commentary for a Sunday: Hope Is Abundant—The Leftists’ System of Lies Is Beginning to Unravel—Finally!

Political leftists have always believed they should run things. Not just some things. Everything. But their nature is to overrun budgets and time constraints, and to bring about a deficient, inadequate outcome.

Our savior—as a nation—has always been the periods of sensible Conservative leadership, growth, and repair following each problematic episode of bleeding-heart liberal diminishment.

This in part from

NOTE: As outlined below, there are distinct parallels between two destructive “causes” of the Left—Marxism and environmentalism. The Marxists spoke of making life better for the great, unwashed masses—the proletariat—but by eliminating many of us to do so. Environmentalists speak of saving the Earth, saving it from the ruinous masses, but by eliminating many of us to do so.

Both these “great causes” require that leftists consolidate all power among themselves and force their plans and actions upon the rest of us.

Marxism has come and gone—deferred to globalism—but environmentalism, under the code name global warming, lives on—at least for the time being, until it is fully exposed.

Then it will morph into something else; it will be dire, require emergency responses, extraordinary amounts of money over which there is no spending accountability, and in the end it will benefit only the leftists who concocted the spending schemes, with the bills all being paid for by the rest of us who disagreed.

And the words pounded into the skulls of the people are the same under environmentalism as they were under Marxism:

Personal freedom is not to be.

We must look to the wellbeing of the greater whole.

And forget any notion of Republicanism and Democracy.

Our Leftist principals are forever!

When the money and power have all been transferred into the Left’s hands, spent (or distributed among their cronies), the ever-present problems of the world will still exist, except they will have become even more dire because the Left has a penchant for turning smaller problems into larger problems.

Both the proletariat and the environment have no voice, except the muffled sounds the left permits them, hand over mouth, until all the money has been distributed into leftist pockets.

Then, of course, funds must be identified, taxes must be raised, public comforts must be curtailed, and schools and children assaulted—all for the wellbeing of the greater whole.

And thus, the cycle repeats as the leaders concoct the next great scam, or scheme for which the Left—in diminished numbers—will be the only spokesperson, because the media are bought and paid for, and … well, that’s who and what the media are, for as far back as anyone can remember.

No self-respecting problem or disaster

would ever choose Leftists as its spokespersons.

Their non-solutions benefit only their cronies through fraud, abuse, and incompetence. The Leftists always seem to be well-compensated for their concern, too. They always seem to have a backup disaster waiting in the wings, just in case the primary disaster isn’t disastrous enough.

As Rahm Emanuel is remembered to have said:

Never let a serious crisis go to waste.

The only real disaster we face today is the continued existence of Leftism polluting the bodies and minds of the upcoming generations—hence the point above about assaulting schools and children.

Fortunately, God has heard the prayers of his people trapped in this system of lies and is beginning to unravel the leftist “Death to America” crowd.

Behind the leadership of President Trump and The Plan, there will be no Death to America.

Prepare to say goodbye to leftists in government, education, religion, entertainment, and the rest of the seven mountains of influence [family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government]!

Will they go quietly? No. Will they go anyway? Yes.

Trust the Plan. But also prepare…

…for every imaginable contingency. Prognosticators foretell of a very difficult 2024. We must anticipate much bad before the return of much good.