Painful Difficulties Urinating

A juvenile court judge in Mississippi has sentenced 10-year-old Quantavious Eason to three months probation for urinating in public.

This from

Gentlemen, Start Your Engines


Young Master Eason must also write an essay on Kobe Bryant. (Why Kobe Bryant? Was he a public pisser too?)

Sentobia police officers saw Eason urinating next to his mother’s car while she was inside a lawyer’s office with a “no public restroom” sign.

So, Law Enforcement as usual lacking any gray area and being a Guilty/Innocent, Up/Down, Black/White occupation, common sense was left behind at the Station House.

Officers arrested the young public pisser and promptly escorted him to jail.

Shortly after the arrest, Sentobia Police Chief Richard Chandler—with his tail between his legs admitted the arrest:

[V]iolated our written policy and went against our prior training on how to deal with these situations.

Chandler added that one of the officers was no longer employed at the department, though he did not say whether that officer had been fired or quit.

He further stated the other officer would be disciplined, though he did not specify what that would involve.

Final thoughts: I’m glad to see common sense at last prevailed. I am left shaking my head and sickly smiling. Gay sex in the U.S. Capital Building is exonerated and a 10-year old public pisser is arrested.  WTFO?