Pennsylvania Lawmaker Proposes Taking Concealed Carry Permit from ‘Irresponsible’ Gun Owners

Forgetting loaded guns in carry-on bags in airports has been described as a “huge problem” and there have been two such instances in Pennsylvania in the past few days.

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A state lawmaker has said loaded guns in carry-on luggage causes delays and disruption in airports and could actually be dangerous and the excuse is almost always, “I forgot it was there.” He wants to stiffen the penalties, arguing that the ‘I forgot,’ excuse doesn’t fly.


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Lisa Farbstein, a TSA spokesperson, said:

We are seeing a proliferation of travelers bringing their firearms to security checkpoints.

In recent days, one in Harrisburg, one in Pittsburgh, and on average 18 guns a day are seized at American airports.

Farbstein said:

The record was set last year at 6,542. This year, we’re highly likely to set a new record.

That’s despite increased signs telling travelers not to do it and increased fines for those who do.

Representative Dan Frankel (C/G-Allegheny) said:

But it doesn’t seem to be enough.

Frankel is pushing a bill, not yet written, that would yank a concealed carry permit for anyone caught by law enforcement with a loaded gun in a carry-on bag.

Frankel said:

You know, it’s just inexplicable to me that you pack a suitcase and there’s a firearm in there and you aren’t aware of it.

Conceal carry permits are overseen by the sheriffs in Pennsylvania’s 67 counties.

Dauphin County Sheriff Nick Chimenti says he revokes lots of permits and there’s a list of crimes that trigger it, even shoplifting, writing bad checks, or marijuana possession.

Chimenti also said:

When it comes to airports, it should be on a case-by-case basis.

Frankel’s bill would be automatic revocation.

Frankel said:

It’s something that probably [w]ould motivate people to take more care and pay more attention to their firearms.

Farbstein said:

Interestingly enough, they seem to know where their keys are and their wallet is just not their deadly weapon.

Representative Justin Fleming (C/G-Dauphin) is a gun owner and agrees with the sheriff that it should be case by case and otherwise law-abiding gun owners shouldn’t automatically lose their permits.

Fleming said:

But I understand what Chairman Frankel is trying to do to try and keep a safe environment for all of us.