Frontpage Magazine’s Man of the Year: The IDF Soldier

In a year of defeatism and surrender, he is fighting back.

In a year when the civilized world is stuck in a state of retreat, he is fighting back.

This from

The Regime has enabled America to be invaded by hordes of migrants, and Europe continues to stagger under an endless wave of migration from the moslem world. This is why American and European cities are being torn apart by rioting mobs supporting Hamas.

But after Israel was invaded on Oct 7, it fought back. The men on the front lines are not the politicians or the generals, they’re among the 360,000 reservists activated in a nation with a Jewish population of 7 million who left behind their homes, families, and jobs to go and fight.

The Israeli military was unprepared for both Oct 7 and a call-up of this size.

The soldiers were fed, clothed, and equipped by the people. While the media reports on the fighting, the truly incredible unreported story is how civilian volunteers have become the supply and support (the ‘tooth-to-tail’) of the Israel Defense Forces or the IDF.

In this small country, volunteers have been bringing food every day, they have provided clothes, shipped in body armor and even showed up with washing machines on pickup trucks to do the laundry.

Some civilian volunteers have been wounded and even killed while delivering food.

Israeli housewives have formed the Baking Battalion to make cookies, a cooking school produces meals for the troops and restaurants operate free food trucks.

Others have stepped in to harvest crops and run the shops of the reservists who have been called up to serve in Gaza.

When the government and the leaders failed, the ordinary Israeli stepped up. Some armies call themselves the “people’s army”—IDF soldiers really are.

They’ve gone into Gaza knowing that the country stands behind them, not as an ideal, but as an everyday reality.

Israel is a small country and everyone knows someone who died, came under attack, is among the 200,000 who left their homes to be out of range of the terrorist attacks, or in the ranks of those who are fighting or who have already fallen in defense of their nation.

Israel today is a bit like New York City after September 11 where for a brief shining moment everyone except the worst leftists pulled together against a common enemy. That spirit may well pass in Israel as it did in America, but while it lasts, it is something to admire and emulate.

The Israeli soldier is in the field fighting against [a] corrosive mainstreaming of evil. He is at war not only with the reality of Islamic terror but the idea that we are defenseless against it. That is why we all have a stake in what happens thousands of miles away.

Gaza is not a territory: it’s a state of mind. There are Gazas in the ‘no-go zones’ of England and France, forming in Michigan and emerging in New York City.

For now we can still pretend that a 7th century madman’s book doesn’t affect us. But…

[the] question [is not] whether our war will come, but when.

The Obiden Regime, the international community, and the rest of the foreign policy hot-shots are obsessed with nation building in Gaza. They keep demanding a ‘day-after’ plan from Israel. The truth is Israel does not care about the same nation building nonsense that failed in every single moslem country it’s been tried in 30 years.

When the madman across the street just butchered your family, you don’t plan out a rehab program or discuss his prison sentence while exchanging fire with him.

That sort of madness is reserved for international foreign policy [hot-shots] with no clue or skin in the game.

The same goes for the obsession with “proportionate responses” or “winning the hearts and minds” of Hamas.

Instead of the nonsense that wasted so many of our lives, Israel is focused on winning the war.

Buried in the CNN and MSNBC reports, which are virtually indistinguishable from Al Jazeera’s Hamas propaganda barrage of bombing videos, is the fact that Israeli soldiers accomplished what the Obiden Regime military experts believed was impossible and in record time.

As of now, 164 IDF soldiers have fallen in the fighting against over 8,000 Hamas terrorists.

Oct 7 heavily damaged the myth of the IDF, but the myth was always based on a misconception of what the Israel Defense Forces are.

The IDF has its origins in groups of volunteer guards who were trained by Major General Orde Wingate, a devout Christian Zionist highly unpopular within the British military, in the unconventional doctrines that he would apply in WWII.

The IDF is excellent at offensive operations, but poor at defensive ones except when individual soldiers launch desperate last stands of the kind that helped turn the tide in a few crucial battles.

Those of us who see the big picture are often prone to despair, but the Israelis never look at big pictures. The strength of the IDF has never been in its generals, but in the character of the average fighting man.

– IDF soldiers don’t go to war fueled by meth or promises of 72 virgins, they go knowing that the lives of their friends and families depend on them.

– In Gaza now, [IDF soldiers] make beds among the rubble, put in earplugs, and try to sleep while bombs and bullets shatter the night, and then, when it is time, they rise and fight [again].

– IDF soldiers are not superhuman or infallible—only ordinary men who know what is at stake.

– They are not fighting a thousand-year Jihad, they see only their small corner of the sky and earth to protect, and they are fighting a small battle that will shape the outcome of the greater civilizational war.

– The IDF soldier is the reflection of a nation that has learned to live in the face of impossible threats by focusing on what needs to be done today.

– Israel is a nation at war with [the world’s] enemies. [This] is not only a physical war, but a spiritual war, a cultural war, and a moral war. It is a war [for] all of us, our homes, our families, and our futures.

These are the reasons why the IDF soldier is Front Page Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year.’

In a year of defeatism, he is still fighting. Even though all the hot-shots say he should stop, he does not give up.