A Reckoning Coming in 2024?

Twenty Twenty-Three was the year in which the enemies of freedom aggressively demonstrated their deliberate breach of faith, their treachery, their untrustworthiness, and their unbridled intentions to promote their societal suicidal ideations with an invigorated degree of reckless abandon.

This from frontpagemag.com.

And in 2023 tens of millions of Americans finally recognized that President Trump had not been lying or exaggerating about anything and that he was and continues to be right about everything.

Below is a rather intensive review of the issues about which Trump was right—as well as other pressing issues—despite the constant attacks from the Left and from their mass propaganda media collaborators:

– The open southern border is a severe danger and the Department of Homeland Security and other government agencies aiding armies of illegal aliens to enter the U.S. unvetted is criminal.

– The federal government is facilitating human trafficking, child trafficking, sex trafficking, drug cartels transporting fentanyl into America, and criminal terrorist organizations who have found their way to the southern border from all over the Eastern Hemisphere.

– The Department of Homeland Security—a misnomer if ever there was one—has tried to carry out this human smuggling in secret, but in 2023 the facts began to be reported more widely than before. Americans who have been subjected for over two decades to absurd procedures at airports, being forced to discard toothpaste and fingernail clippers before boarding an aircraft, now know that the same people who ordered them to be put through these paces in the name of national security are violating national security every day in ways beyond imagination.

– The Russia/Ukraine conflict would not have come about if Trump had still been president. America and its allies have poured billions of dollars into Zelensky’s pockets and have taken in tremendous numbers of Ukrainian refugees, leaving hardly a corner of the Western world where those refugees have not strained public services such as housing, schools, and health care.

– As 2023 wore on, Americans became increasingly aware that the Russian-Ukrainian conflict was not one of pure evil versus pure good. Informed observers acknowledged aid to Ukraine could not continue indefinitely, and far from humbling Putin, the West’s continued support for Ukraine seemed only to have intensified his saber-rattling and his efforts.

– China now enjoys our manifest military decline under The Obiden Regime—as best illustrated by the Afghanistan debacle and the flagrant wokeness of our recent armed-forces PR to name only two failures—and may decide now is the perfect time for an invasion of Taiwan. NOTE: The world would be a considerably safer and stabler place, and America a stronger actor, if Trump had not been cheated out of the 2020 election.

– In the Middle East, during his term, Trump brought an unprecedented degree of peace to the region with the Abraham Accords, which were built on the insight that a Palestinian settlement was not necessarily a precondition for an accord between Israel and its [moslem] neighbors.

– On October 7, 2023, with the White House under the control of feckless people who hate Israel, the Palestinians felt encouraged to brutally invade Israel.  ‘Islamophobia’ became the mollification call for terrorist groups like Hamas with a degree of sympathy for their barbaric, seventh-century notions of violent Islamic conquest.

– The steady growth of Islam in Western Europe, and to a lesser extent in North America, has been an increasingly contentious issue. Consistently, leftist elites have defended the Islamization of the West as a virtuous humanitarian project and a source of cultural enrichment. Skeptics point out the disastrous current consequences and long-term existential menace of mass Islamic immigration.

– In the wake of the Hamas invasion, Israel acted to defend itself in the only way that made sense—that is, by crushing Gaza and eliminating Hamas and its war apparatus. [Moslems] and privileged young left-wingers around the Western world protested en masse. The scale of the anti-Semitism revealed by these demonstrations stunned many observers. The depth of ignorance about the Middle East on the part of so many is mind boggling.

– The magnitude of the current crisis in higher education suggests that in 2024 major action will be taken to begin to rid our institutions of higher education of the reality-defying ideas about race that go by the name Critical Race Theory.

– Young Americans from an early age are exposed to appalling views on race, e.g., The 1619 Project and are consequently being told if they are white, they have been white supremacists from birth, or, if they are black, they have been lifelong victims of white racism.

– Fortunately, the problems afflicting America’s schools and universities became known to parents during the COVID lockdown and remote learning. In addition to discovering a host of racist and anti-American nonsense being taught, parents learned their children were being encouraged to reject their biological identities.

– Parents who sought to keep their minor child from being pushed by self-styled experts onto the transgender assembly line—receiving first puberty blockers, then sex hormones, and finally surgery—risked being denied their parental rights in courts of law. In 2023, this madness advanced in many jurisdictions, with several states declaring themselves “sanctuary states” for those wishing to mutilate minors, but the pushback against this madness also intensified, with several states banning “gender-affirming care” for children and more and more parents speaking up against transgender ideology (as well as against Critical Race Theory) at school- board meetings.

– Also in 2023, an increasing number of detransitioners—people who were subjected to sex-change ‘treatments’ in their youth only to realize later that they’d been talked into undergoing unnecessarily irreversible surgical voodoo—began to speak up publicly and file lawsuits against their psychologists, endocrinologists, surgeons, and hospitals.

– Knowing if Trump were to return to office, the coup d’etat and treason perpetrators would end up behind bars or executed, the flagrant dishonesty and breathtaking scale of their campaign for survival and America’s destruction became increasingly clear to ordinary Americans, most of whom never imagined the three-letter agencies—from CIA to CDC to FBI to DOJ to DHS—could be so thoroughly corrupted, to include hearing for the first time the hypotheses about the JFK and RFK assassinations.

– It was in 2023 that the ‘defund the police’ movement fell apart—its sheer recklessness proven by skyrocketing crime in cities around the country.

– It was in 2023 that the ‘insurrection’ lie took a major hit from reality. So did the climate-change hoax.

– And the colossally ruinous George Floyd narrative—as recently as last Wednesday, the city of Seattle dismantled the Black Lives Matter garden planted in the wake of Floyd’s death.

– In 2023, many Americans learned far more than they had ever suspected about the nefarious designs of Bill Gates, George Soros, the World Economic Forum’s Klaus Schwab, and other would-be masters of the universe who seek to replace individual liberty with an updated version of feudalism.

– In 2023, TV and movie projects drenched in woke propaganda brought unprecedented financial losses to the entertainment industry, suggesting that in 2024 Hollywood and Netflix execs will have to break out of their ideological bubble if they want to stay in business.

– It was in 2023—just a week ago, in fact—that the New York Times, which in 2020 had undergone extensive institutional convulsions over a relatively commonsensical op-ed by Senator Tom Cotton urging a military response to Antifa and BLM riots, ran an op-ed by the Hamas-appointed mayor of Gaza—a perfect illustration of the fact that our corporate media’s determination to censor dissent from its doctrines is rivaled only, perhaps, by its eagerness to proffer propaganda by bloodthirsty, conscienceless enemies of freedom and decapitators of infants.

– It was in 2023 that the heroic Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter and conversion of it into a free-speech platform helped expose the involvement of other Silicon Valley superstars in the establishment plans to undermine our constitutional republic.

– It was in 2023 that another hero, Tucker Carlson, left the mainstream media to start his own series on X, on which he, too, shed light on the blatant lies and wicked schemes by which our progressive betters have sought to steal our country from us.

– In 2023 other brave independent-media heroes, such as James O’Keefe, Andy Ngo, and Douglas Murray, were crucially important truth-tellers.

– Also, in 2023 Vivek Ramaswamy’s Trump-like readiness to speak hard truths about our tyranny-minded elites has been a fresh approach to take on the [communist/globalists] as well also the swamp-dwelling [RINOs].

An increasing number of Americans came to realize in 2023 that President Trump had been right about a great many things and that their own highly negative views of him had been shaped not by facts but by leftist propaganda.

During his presidency, Trump had faced a breathtakingly comprehensive coordinated effort to use a concocted (albeit ridiculous) tale of Russian collaboration to bring him down; this particular scheme failed, but Trump’s establishment enemies proceeded to impeach him, on the flimsiest of grounds, not once but twice, and then began battering him with lawsuits around the country with the goal of destroying his businesses and denying him another White House run.

For tens of millions of us our eyes have been opened. We will keep abreast of domestic and international events and remain cautious and skeptical of the globalist, totalitarian attempts to over-power us and further seize our beloved country.

God speed to Conservatism and to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic.