WEF Lieutenant Yuval Harari: “If Donald Trump is elected again, it is likely to be the death blow to what remains of the global order!”

A Death Blow to the Global Order? We the People need no other reason to put President Trump back in the White House.

This from 100percentfedup.com.

This video below is an amazing compilation of George Soros’ son, Alex Soros, WEF Lieutenant Yuval Noah Harari, and many others all basically admitting that if Trump gets back in, it will be the death blow to their “global order.”

The headline is a direct quote!

How awesome is that?

Please share this video (posted below) far and wide!

We the People want to knock out the WEF and the “New World Order.”

Put Trump back in to finish the job!

Alex Soros:

One man, Donald Trump took that all away.

*Hangs head in shame*

Yuval Harari:

If Donald Trump is elected again, it is likely to be the death blow to what remains of the global order.


I was afraid for my own well-being. I thought I could end up in Guantanamo Bay, I think I still could.


A lot of us joke darkly that in a second term, a lot of us will end up in orange jumpsuits in Guantanamo Bay.


Think about what four years of a retribution Presidency might look like.

*Gitmo currently being expanded as we speak*

Is this all just shock and awe rhetoric or are these people really this afraid? Let us hope they are and that the threat they feel is not empty rhetoric.

Watch here:

Final thoughts: Above is an interesting collection of news clips. The Left is terribly frightened of the return of President Trump. What they fail to understand is that under the current Continuity of Government, Trump is in fact still our Commander in Chief and the fate of each Leftist conspirator has already been determined.