The Regime’s Death Sentence Continues: Washington State Patrol Trooper Killed by Illegal Alien in Drunk Driving Crash

The Regime’s refusal to take substantive positive action on the border crisis has claimed yet another victim.

Only days after a college student—Laken Riley—was murdered by an illegal alien in Georgia, a Washington State Patrol trooper lost his life after being struck by a car driven by a drunk stoned Mexican who had entered the country illegally.

This from


The killing occurred on Saturday morning when 27-year-old Officer Christopher Gadd was on patrol in Marysville, Washington. The perpetrator, Raul Benitez Santana, a 33-year-old Mexican national, crashed into Gadd’s patrol car after having consumed copious amounts of alcohol and marijuana.

The man accused of crashing his car into a Washington State Patrol Trooper and killing him is not a U.S. citizen, officials said Tuesday.

Over the weekend, investigators say Raul Benitez Santana crashed his car into 27-year-old Trooper Christopher Gadd and killed him. FOX 13 News obtained probable cause documents which say Benitez Santana had bloodshot eyes and admitted to drinking and smoking weed before driving.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said Seattle Enforcement and Removal Operations placed an immigration detainer with the Snohomish County Jail for Benitez Santana, who is a citizen of Mexico.

The ramifications of this killing extend far beyond the immediate loss. Whenever someone perishes in a drunk driving crash, it is a tragedy. However, when the crash is caused by someone who should not have been in the country in the first place, the need to be returned to a system that enables adequate screening of all those seeking to cross the border is crucially emphasized.

To make matters even worse, Santana had a long and storied history of legal violations:

Benitez Santana entered the U.S. at an unknown time, but Seattle Enforcement and Removal Operations first encountered him in 2013, when he was arrested for failing to make a court appearance after he was accused of driving on a suspended license.

That same year, Benitez Santana was convicted of possession of marijuana and sentenced to 90 days incarcerated, but 87 of the days were suspended.

He has a history of other convictions as well, including multiple convictions for driving with a suspended license, multiple tickets for speeding more than 49 mph over the speed limit and several orders of protection for domestic violence.

Given all of these displays of criminality, the suspect should have been deported a long time ago. Unfortunately, under The DC Regime, America’s immigration and border security system is woefully inadequate to address the ongoing influx of asylum seekers and illegal aliens into the country.

Trooper Gadd’s unnecessary death is a striking reminder of the consequences of bad policy—especially when it comes to an open border and illegal aliens. Tragedies such as this should prompt productive conversations on border security and the need for proper vetting of entrants. Regrettably, the federal government is sociocultural suicidal and striving to destroy America.

The question: How many more people will have to be hurt before our leaders do something about this insanity?

The answer: Anymore at all will be too many in addition to each of those already killed—as a result of the current zero border security—being too many.

Final thoughts: Sadly, Washington State, you are just as responsible for Officer Christopher Gadd’s death as the drunk stoned driver Santana is.

Your liberal, soft-on-crime mode of justice and your failure to strictly enforce your own laws killed Officer Gadd just as certain as the recklessness of a drunk stoned illegal alien Mexican did. Damn you Leftist malfeasant leaders of Washington State. May you each rot in hell.