Trump Voters Demonized, Labeled Enemies of the State and an Existential Threat

As this critical 2024 presidential election draws closer, the panicked left finds themselves without a candidate even remotely capable of defeating Donald Trump—an inexorable, MAGA juggernaut the communist/globalist crime syndicate cannot seem to stop no matter how many trumped-up (pun intended) lawsuits and investigations they throw in his path to re-election.

This from

The Left is saddled with an incumbent so obviously decrepit in body and mind his supporters can no longer successfully gaslight even themselves into believing he is a “keen-witted dynamo.”

And those waiting in the wing?

– [T]heir vice-presidential fallback option is a hopelessly incompetent and unpopular Woman of Color whose only skill is “failing up,”

– [L]ong-rumored candidate California Governor Gavin Newsom craves the presidency like a vampire craves blood but is a white man, so he’s out, and

– The Party’s not-so-secret weapon whom many felt sure was going to be the nominee, popular former First Lady [Big Mike], reiterated this week she is adamant about wanting nothing to do with political office.

So, the communist/globalist machine’s only election strategy (apart from widespread voter fraud) is to demonize their opponents—those unwoke, white Deplorables from flyover country—as an existential threat to America and to the very idea of democracy itself.

NOTE: To the Left “democracy” means permanent communist/globalist hegemony; and by “America” the left means “an impotent, borderless, former-superpower-turned-satellite of the European Union and other supranational entities like the World Economic Forum.”

That is their globalist, totalitarian vision

to which Trump is an immovable obstacle.

The Left despises the working-class patriots they smear as white supremacists, who refuse to give up on Trump and America.

The most blatant current example of their visceral contempt for Trump supporters is a new book with the on-the-nose title White Rural Rage: The Threat to America ([W]hiteness [is addressed] because they themselves, like the [Left]generally, see everything through the distorted lens of skin color).

Schaller and Waldman paint a picture of “paranoid, bitter, enraged, Trump-deluded, working-class country music fans as existential Enemies of the State.” White Rural Rage is painfully laced with “emagoguery, projection, and a stunning lack of self-awareness.”

[The authors] waste no time in the book

identifying ‘rural’ and ‘urban’

as the defining major divide in this country.

The pair appeared on the propaganda outlet MSNBC to promote White Rural Rage and, of course, they smeared white working class Americans residing outside the “oh-so-sophisticated blue cities as the dregs of our society.” In response to a question from Trump-hating Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski, “whose face is set in a permanent sneer,” Schaller was ready with his talking points explaining why rural whites are “a threat to democracy:”

– First, they are the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay geo-demographic group in the country,

– Second, they are the most conspiracist group: QAnon supporters and subscribers, election denialism, COVID denialism, scientific skepticism, Obama birtherism,

– Third, anti-democratic sentiments: they don’t believe in an independent press, free speech. They’re the most likely to say the president should be able to act unilaterally without any checks from Congress, or the courts or the bureaucracy. They’re also the most strongly white nationalist and white Christian nationalist, and

– Fourth, they are the most likely to excuse or justify violence as acceptable alternative to peaceful public discourse.

The elitist arrogance and projection are breathtaking.

– White rural voters aren’t anti-immigrant; they’re simply opposed to the madness of an administration that has thrown open our border and abandoned immigration law entirely,

– They’re not anti-gay; they’re just sick of having gender ideology shoved down their throats and being slammed as bigots for not celebrating every anti-family perversion the left insists we embrace,

– They’re not anti-democratic; it’s not white rural voters who created cancel culture or who turned the entire mainstream media into a propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, and

– [A]s any conservative speaker on a college campus will tell you, it’s not white rural voters who refuse to engage in peaceful public discourse.

Schaller and Waldman claim that white rural voters have been manipulated into their purported rage by a “right-wing noise machine” and by Republican lawmakers who are really to blame for the legitimate complaints they have against a system that Schaller and Waldman admit has failed them.

And it is fair to say that far too many Republican politicians either don’t have the best interests of American patriots at heart or lack the fortitude and character to push back against the leftist agenda.

Final thoughts: Patriots, get ready. By demonizing working-class, white Americans, the Left’s ugly agenda is being screamed at us loud and clear—they are pushing this country toward open civil war.

And they will then not-so-cleverly blame that civil war on the very people they have been intentionally and dangerously provoking.