The Regime Officially Turns on Israel

The State of the Union, strangely enough, was the point at which The Regime decided to roll out its public anti-Israel campaign beginning with the staged ‘hot mic’ moment.

This from

Joe Biden and Mahmoud Abbas—two presidents in their own minds.

There had been a drumbeat of leaks and anonymous statements in the weeks leading up to it, but now Biden has gone on record that…

– He’s opposed to Israel’s government,

– He wants a ceasefire, and

– He’s preparing to pull the resupply of weapons.

Some of these revelations came in an MSNBC interview. And there is no such thing as a coincidence.

[T]his was prepped for an interview with the most leftward cable channel and the one that is the most opposed to Israel.

Biden told MSNBC that he wants:

– [A] “6-week ceasefire, and

– Israel going into Rafah to finish off Hamas would be a red line.

He criticized Netanyahu and claimed that he’s hurting Israel by continuing to fight Hamas.

Biden defended the pro-Hamas Arab moslem campaigners in Dearborn claiming:

What they said was that they’re very upset, and I don’t blame him for being upset…

They want something done about it. They’re saying, ‘Joe, do something.’


That’s why I’m doing everything I can to try to stop it.

Biden also appeared to suggest that he might pull offensive weapons from Israel’s resupply package.

Biden blamed Israel for the carnage saying:

There are other ways to… deal with the trauma caused by Hamas.

Kamala, as usual, was even worse, giving an interview to CBS News in which she stated:

[O]ur work as always as the United States is to do what we must, and what we always have, to stand for the security of Israel and its people, and also to do what we have done behind closed doors and in public around forcing a better path forward in terms of what’s happening currently in Gaza.

And this translated into everyday English is:

We do what we must as we always may, and for the People of Israel we seek a better way. But now I must end my speech you see, for I have nothing to rhyme with Gaza for the life of me.

Smartly, Kamala also noted:

[I]t’s important for us to distinguish or at least not conflate, the Israeli government with the Israeli people [to date].

This is the same language The Regime used toward the so-called “Palestinians” and Hamas.

And still more from the brilliant Kamala:

[T]he Israeli people are entitled to security—as are the Palestinians. In equal measure.

Doubtful she realizes security for the Israelis would be the elimination of Hamas. While Hamas must see the elimination of Israel and all Jews as their security blanket.

The Israeli government had been doing everything possible to meet the demands of D.C., believing a slower pace of annihilating Hamas would enable them to continue fighting the terrorists.

Kamala the Obtuse’s “equal measure” comment, however, likely translates as:

We will pull all support for Israel if they continue fighting.

Israel must now be in a quandary. They have a very limited window in which to finish the job before the combination of political, economic, and even potentially military pressure makes that prohibitive.

The Regime is experiencing considerable domestic political pressure. No doubt, Obama will pull the plug on Israel and Biden will soon have his plug pulled too.