Commentary: England, Scotland, and Wales All Have Non-White Leaders Now

Apart from Northern Ireland, the United Kingdom executives are entirely non-white.

This from

Vaughan Gething, First Minister of Wales

To be English or Scottish or Welch no longer means—of and by itself—to be White.

This is a tremendous transition for the United Kingdom and for Europe. Some may describe this transition as breathtaking, emotional, even startling. But is anyone really concerned about this change, or even care? That is, other than “racist” White people?

Rishi Sunak is serving as the Prime Minister of the UK, Pakistani moslem settler Humza Yousaf has taken over as the First Minister of Scotland, and Vaughan Gething (pictured above), an immigrant from Zambia, will become the First Minister of Wales.

This demographic change in the UK has been more rapid than the rest of Europe.

Part of it can probably be attributed to the role of bloc votes, certainly in the case of Yousaf and the rising Pakistani [moslem] presence, and partly to the aspirational growth of talented Indian immigrants, but you also have to wonder to what extent failed political establishments are using minorities to paper over fundamental failures.

American-style identity politics will use minorities and ‘breaking-the-glass-ceiling’ to change the narrative about a company, a party, or a movie. Put a minority figure out front and suddenly, disparaging it is racist.

It’s not entirely a coincidence that Rishi Sunak became the frontman for a failed Conservative party in crisis or Yousaf for a disgraced [Scottish National Party (SNP)].

The UK has been stuck in the doldrums for a while now—as has America.

And instead of talking about that, soon there’ll be so many think pieces about the newly diverse leadership of the isles.

Why are both world powers stuck?

There’s a global situation to consider, but more narrowly, both nations went down the dead ends of liberalism, trashing domestic industries in the name of socialism and then globalism, embracing massive immigration and the international community, only to be left with nothing.

Much of the rationale behind this change has been the incompetent conservative reactions which have left much of the native population despondent and lacking any way forward.

American liberalism papered over its disaster with Barack Hussein Obama leading to a decade and a half of horror.

Now the UK gets to pretend that breaking the glass ceiling is the only progress the nation needs.

Actually, in America, Leftist leadership ignoring the needs and wants of their native constituencies—and the nation’s problems—has resulted in everyone patting themselves on the back for their new tolerance. Meanwhile finding fault with the massive change gets us bitter old White men labeled “racist,” pushed off to the side, and, worse yet, arrested for meaningless fabricated violations. To wit: the J6-ers.

Final thoughts: Many of We the People (White “racists”) are looking to the return of President Trump as our last chance to save America from becoming like the United Kingdom. And labels like “racism” and “discrimination” be damned, just as long as we can do what needs to be done to save America from extreme racial demographic change.