Leftists Argue Swastikas Are Progressive, Vandalizing Synagogues with Swastikas Is a Cautionary Gesture

After Hamas supporters vandalized a synagogue with a swastika, Leftists cheered this prototypical Nazi act as a progressive commitment to human rights.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky of Temple Beth El said:

A swastika clearly has a deep and painful history for the people in our community, it’s a symbol of hatred and death.

However, Malcolm Harris, a former Occupy Wall Street activist and author of ‘Palo Alto’ and other books published through Hachette, rationalized that swastikas are now progressive.

Harris, who also writes for The Nation and Wired, argued:

Israel’s genocide has literally reversed the meaning of a swastika on a synagogue from a Nazi threat to a condemnation of genocide.

However, Mr. Harris, demonstrated an incorrect assumption in his premise. By saying “Israel’s genocide,” he is implying Israel is committing or has committed genocide by defending themselves against Hamas. Unless he spoke of a different genocide that is beyond my knowledge.

Further, Harris claimed:

[Vandalizing a synagogue with a swastika is]

an anti-zionist condemnation of Israeli genocide.

David Austin Walsh, a postdoc at the Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism, who has a book on the “far-right” coming out from Yale University Press, chimed in:

I’ll stipulate for the sake of argument that tagging a synagogue with a swastika has an ambiguous or multivariate meaning.

How are we to determine which is the intended meaning?

Marshall Steinbaum, an Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Utah and a Senior Fellow at the Jain Family Institute, stated:

I wish we lived in a world where spray-painting a swastika on a synagogue still meant Nazis.

In the UK, where the London Met Police had previously arrested and threatened anti-Jihad protesters for flying the St. George’s flag, an officer explained to a Jewish woman complaining about swastikas at a pro-Hamas hate rally that the swastikas needed to be viewed in context.

“Viewed in context?” Is there a context other than hate or a threat of bodily harm or death possible in which to view a swastika?

A swastika, along with “Free Gaza” was painted over the home of Holocaust survivors in Belgium, while outside Temple Beth Israel in Philly two women scrawled a swastika and the “from the river to the sea” call for destroying Israel and exterminating the Jews.

What was the “context” in these two instances that sane, peace-loving citizens of the world may be missing?

A Swastika alongside a Star of David was drawn on the University of Michigan Hillel building where Jewish students attend events. Instagram comments on the student paper from many students defended the vandalism as a statement against Israel and in support of the terrorists.

And the “context” here? Please explain.

Islamist and Leftist movements who have defended Hamas and its mass murder of Jews on Oct 7 understand the “context” of which was alluded. Perhaps they should be quoted. Certainly, they can explain the “context” of burning entire families alive, raping women and holding them hostage, or drawing a few lines on a wall.

The Left, in fact, has accepted the “context” of the Hamas atrocities as a repudiation of Jews and Israel and the genocide of the Jews as well.

Actually, what we are witnessing is not something that has happened overnight or in the aftermath of Oct 7.

The reversal of the National Socialist swastika from a symbol of the worst kind of evil to a progressive symbol is itself a symbol of the mainstreaming of antisemitism on the Left.

Anyone who has been paying attention to the mindset of the American Left has seen this coming.

Jews tend to be the canaries in the coal mine.

Fanatics and totalitarian movements may start with the Jews, but they never end there.

The Jews are just a convenient inciting incident.

The Nazis and the Communists have both demonstrated their persecution of Jews legitimizes the worst crimes they were capable of committing.

When the Nazis began rounding up and killing Jews with no protest, it became easier to justify the killing of the German disabled and mentally ill, and later the larger eugenics program that would have wiped out the Slavs and many other peoples.

And when the Communists began shutting down synagogues and executing rabbis, it became easier to justify the takeover of the church and to build a cult of personality around Stalin.

NOTE: The splashing here and there of “progressive” swastikas is merely the beginning of the horrendous demonstration destined to follow if this “context” is allowed to progress.

And we need only to connect the dots to ascertain the progression:

– Islam envisions death for nonbelievers,

– Moslems claim the holy land of three religions as being rightfully theirs, as written in the Koran, and there is no room for compromise,

– Whether it is Hamas or a successor to Hamas, Israel will be required to remain either on a defensive posture or an offensive one, and

– If and When Israel and the Jews are eliminated, the march of Islam will continue to do battle with its next target population.

We must not believe that Hamas—an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood and originally financed by the Nazis—merely seeks to destroy Israel.

[O]ther arms of the Brotherhood tried to seize control of the entire Middle East during the Arab Spring, [and] have been integrated into Al Qaeda, and operate in America and Europe to aid Islamic terrorists around the world.

When they brandish the swastika, we must not believe any fool liberal apologist when they try to encourage us to view the acts “in context.”

We are certain the “context” of the swastika is not merely cautionary.

The acts of Hamas and their Leftist apologists are aspirational. 

Defining the Jews as the new Nazis, and by recategorizing the swastika as a progressive, cautionary tool, Leftists are preparing the world for mass murder of the Jews as well as whichever peoples they choose as their subsequent target(s).

In “context” the progressive swastika is a symbol of death.

Final thoughts: This is the divide and conquer of the New World Order. Now the Jews, next the Whites, then the Christians. If allowed to progress, which of us will follow?