IT’S A DIABOLICAL ZIONIST PLOT: Student Releases White Mice in UCLA Protest Encampment

If there is one thing that pro-Hamas protesters on college campuses are good at, it is crying victim.

We’ve seen countless videos in the past few days of police finally cracking down on the illegal encampments and the violent, threatening, and harassing behavior of the protesters.

This from

And even though the protesters are hitting police, resisting arrest, and breaking many other laws, if one of them is merely touched, they shriek like it’s a whole new ‘genocide’ they’re experiencing.

Another thing that antisemites are very good at is making up ridiculous claims about the ‘Zionists’ who are suspected of always plotting against them. Who can forget the hilarious charge from Palestinians that Israel was using spy cows against them? And not just cows. Israel also has trained sharks, eagles, dolphins, and pigs to achieve global domination.

The latest addition to the lunatic conspiracy theories about Jews and the animal kingdom is … white mice. And not just ANY white mice. ‘Injected’ white mice.

Last night, a secret, diabolical Zionist plot against pro-Hamas protesters was uncovered on the campus of UCLA.

Question: How is ‘Suppressed News’ tweeting out these reports if they’re … suppressed?

This account was working in conjunction with another, who claimed to be a UCLA student, also reporting on the same incident.

‘Through’? And you, Sabiha Khan, are a college student?

Notice a few things about these tweets. Everyone is a ‘Zionist,’ not simply Jewish or against the protests. But sure, they’re not antisemites.

Also, they have no idea who threw (we like to spell that word correctly) the backpack—probably a student who was terrified at their harassment of her—but she HAD to be a ‘Zionist.’

And, of course, there is the mysterious ‘injection’ they claimed the mice had. Because these are crazy people.

There are plenty of reply tweets from these two accounts that go further into wild conspiracy theories (all laced with Jew-hatred of course), but we honestly don’t care. Check them out if you want.

What was really funny and worth writing about were the hilarious reactions from Twitter about the ‘Zionist mouse plot.’

HA. You just knew the banana tweets were coming.

Awww, look at those cute little Zionist secret agents. How about tummy scritches for each of them? 

But, of course!

Then, there were the replies confirming Israel’s involvement in this latest scheme. 

See!?!  There is no animal Israel cannot control to destroy its enemies. 

It is SO worth checking out that Wikipedia page if you want some good laughs.

Actually, it’s a new splinter agency of the Mossad …

LOL. Dammit, Chimp. You made ’em all spit-laugh. 

It’s much worse than that! Definitive video evidence of the mutated mice is on hand: 

Pondering Pinky And The Brain GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY


A short digression. Apologies galore. 

OOF. That one hits hard. 

Then there were the ideas about what the ‘Zionists’ should release into the encampments next. 

These are all great ideas. No doubt, Israeli intelligence is working on them all as the protesters regroup. 

Hey, it wasn’t all bad news though. 

LOL. Not everything costs more under Bidenomics, it would seem. 

But this was by far the favorite solution to the problem of terrorist-supporting, law-breaking, overprivileged, whiny college dweebs taking over campuses around America:


On a brief, serious note, what is happening at America’s colleges and universities is a disgrace. And a serious problem for this country.

But it helps to laugh at and mock the protesters once in a while. This latest Zionist conspiracy theory went a long way in furthering that objective. So, thank you to the student who threw the backpack.

Your reward should be one large banana smoothie. Or maybe a chocolate ‘mousse.’