Hamas SHOOTS at Palestinians to Keep Them Away from the Humanitarian Aid Trucks (Video)

Recently, reports were provided detailing what happens when humanitarian aid trucks come into Gaza and the people try to take the aid that is intended for them.

Click HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE for additional details concerning Hamas stealing aid intended for the people of Gaza.

This from therightscoop.com.

Now we are seeing a new video of Hamas actually firing on Palestinians to keep them away from the aid trucks.

Watch below:

Hamas, who are in control of the aid trucks, are seen using live fire against [the civilians of Gaza]. Unbelievable.

Unbelievable? No. It is sadly, believable.

Marina Medvin added:

Only Hamas gets the aid from the Hamas-guarded trucks, for those unaware. They sell it to the civilians.

God speed to the IDF. End this scourge called Hamas.