Arizona’s Runaway Lynch Mob Trump Grand Jury

One of the basic measures of American jurisprudence is that lynch mobs are an evil.

This from

Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes (C/G-LGBTQIA+)

One of the largest mass lynchings in America was actually carried out in New Orleans against Italian immigrants. And Arizona seems intent on doubling down on this evil notable with Trump supporters as the victims.

The media is cheering its own lynch mob posing as a grand jury in Arizona:

The grand jury took aggressive steps to haul in witnesses and even brought charges against some who had been told by prosecutors they were not under investigation. It ultimately produced a 58-page indictment last month that charged national and state Republicans—including one of Trump’s current top advisers and several former members of his inner circle—with felonies for their alleged roles in the effort to overturn Joe Biden’s victory in the state. Trump himself was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator.

Documents reviewed by POLITICO reveal that at least two of the 18 people charged—former Trump lawyers Jenna Ellis and Christina Bobb—were assured by prosecutors that they were not targets of the probe, only to learn that the grand jury indicted them anyway…

One witness who testified before the grand jury said a faction of the panel drove intense questioning that exceeded the limited scope that prosecutors had publicly acknowledged.

The media spins this as the grand jury being “independent of prosecutors.”

[B]ut more accurately this is what happens when a small group of MSNBC viewers who still have Mueller votive candles get some power.

Prosecutors would have wanted to limit the grand jury’s activities to a useful scope, this is anything but.

Instead, grand jurors grilled the witness for three hours, sometimes in pointed and accusatory ways.

[A] level of aggression that caught me off guard.

The witness recalled a juror who:

[S]eemed to be the leader of the ‘indict them all crowd’ and asked ‘pointed but specific questions.’

According to the witness, another grand juror asked “more high-level questions” like:

How could you even talk to these people? What were you thinking? With long preambles that made his views of the case known.

This is not the behavior of an objective jury following the law, but a grand jury in which a handful of wokes acted like a lynch mob and pursued their political goals.

It’s inherently illegitimate. And should be enough to get this lynch mob thrown out.

One grand juror also wanted to know what the witness could possibly have been thinking in the weeks after Trump’s defeat. The witness wasn’t a target but left the room surprised by the tenor of the grand jury’s questions and feeling like a ‘punching bag.’

And after the grilling was over, the witness said:

[A] prosecutor offered a sheepish apology for its unexpected intensity.

This is what lynch mobs look like.

The lawfare targeting the political opposition has empowered MSNBC viewers to get on grand juries and hold their own hanging parties.

This harkens back to an ugly time in our nation’s history and it will destroy what’s left of the credibility of the justice system.