Clarence Thomas Drops Sledgehammer on D.C. Swamp—He Just Left Liberals Speechless

Trump secured a relatively strong, conservative majority for the Supreme Court.

Since then, the Left has been on the warpath.

This from

The Left has tried to make a case for dismantling the highest court as we know it. They want to impose term limits or pack the court with more liberal justices.

To that end, they have tried to smear the reputations of the respected, conservative justices.

From CNN:

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas repeatedly pushed back on his critics during remarks Friday at a judicial conference in Alabama, lamenting what he described as the ‘nastiness’ and ‘lies’ directed at him and calling Washington a ‘hideous place.’

Justice Thomas said;

They don’t bomb you, necessarily, but they bomb your reputation or your good name or your honor. And that’s not a crime but they can do as much harm that way.

My wife and I, the last two or three years, it’s been—just the nastiness and the lies—it’s just incredible.

The Supreme Court justice discussed how D.C. operatives try to destroy a person’s reputation and work through slander and accusations.

Thomas and his wife have faced the brunt of many of these accusations in recent years.

This has not been the first time the left has tried to ruin his reputation. [Leftists], including Joe Biden, attacked him years ago while he was up for consideration for the court.

The justice’s claims are far from unfounded.

We’ve seen, time and again, how the swamp has gone after other conservatives for standing up for American values. [Leftists] have not stopped attacking Donald Trump and his family—simply for putting Americans first.

The swamp has relentlessly slandered Trump, his wife, and even their children. They have gone from spreading lies about him—to openly prosecuting him for supposed crimes.

The swamp runs deeper than even Thomas has claimed.