The ‘Butcher of Tehran’ Meets a Mountain: One of Iran’s Worst Monsters Goes Down

Thirty-five years after taking part in the massacre of thousands, President Ebrahim Raisi’s helicopter went down over a mountain.

Inside the chopper was the body of the man viewed as the likely future Supreme Leader of Iran along with his Foreign Minister and various other officials of the Islamic terrorist regime.

This from

The Iranian people celebrated the death of the man known as the ‘Butcher of Tehran’ with fireworks and dances. Many of those celebrating were the women whom he had tormented for so long.

President Raisi was said to have harbored a special hatred for women and he has been held responsible for everything from prison rapes to the torture of pregnant women.

The cleric and former prosecutor had overseen the brutal suppression of human rights protests against the Islamic regime as part of a record of his crimes against humanity going back to the 1980s.

The Islamic Revolution in Iran had brought many monsters to power. Raisi among them. One of the Islamic student radicals who turned a nation with freedom and civil rights into a ruthless Islamic theocracy, Raisi also represented the last generation of the revolution. Still in his early sixties, it was expected that he would usher in the next era of the Islamic Revolution.

But within weeks of Iran’s likely arrival at a nuclear threshold, Raisi went down in a Bell helicopter that the United States had exported to Iran back in the era of the Shah.

Iran had spent billions on nukes, ballistic missiles and drones but neglected to invest in developing its own civilian aircraft. While the price of putting guns ahead of butter is usually paid by civilians, it was the ‘Butcher of Iran’ and his entourage, including Iran’s Foreign Minister, who paid the price for their murderous obsession with nuclear weapons with their lives.

The Islamic regime’s allies, Iran, Turkey, Russia, and even the European Union scrambled to help.

A UN spokesperson said:

Secretary General Antonio Guterres is following reports of an incident with Iranian President Raisi’s aircraft with concern. He hopes for the safety of the president and his entourage.

There may have been mourning at the UN and on college campuses, however, there were celebrations by Iranians who remembered all too well the atrocities perpetrated by Raisi.

And for widows still mourning their husbands and children mourning their parents, the bloody tide of Islamic atrocities by the Jihadist regime goes back to when Raisi was a young man and the ‘Will of Allah’ and ropes attached to cranes took their loved ones away from them forever.

In 1988, a humiliated Ayatollah Khomeini having been forced to accept a ceasefire after losing the Iran-Iraq War began a murderous purge of thousands of his political opponents.

The Ayatollah, deathly ill and terrified of a domestic uprising, delegated the killing to the ‘Death Committee” whose members included Ebrahim Raisi.

Raisi had been appointed a prosecutor despite having a background in little more than Islamic theology. But under Sharia, Islamic law, that was enough for the twenty-eight-year-old cleric to become a member of the quartet responsible for the killings of between 3,000 to 8,000 opponents of the Jihadist regime.

The Ayatollah Khomeini had declared that his political opponents were not true moslems and were waging war on Allah. In response to his command, the ‘Death Committee’ signed off on mass hangings on an industrial scale during which thousands were killed in only a few days.

Brutal interrogations were used to determine who was a true moslem and who was an apostate. Those deemed moslems survived while those who were judged to be non-moslems were killed. Prisoners were asked if they believed in Allah, read the infamous ‘Koran’, and whether they fasted on Ramadan. Those who refused to recite Islamic prayers were beaten and tortured.

In a foreshadowing of Oct 7, part of the Islamic massacres also involved mass rape. A top Islamic cleric later recalled that unmarried girls executed on charges of “waging war against Allah” were first ‘married’ and then raped by members of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard so that they would not die as virgins and have a chance of going to Islamic paradise.

While the EU, Russia, and Turkey have rallied to search for Raisi, the bodies of the vast majority of those murdered by the ‘Butcher of Tehran’ in the 1980s were disposed of and hidden. Families have been demanding that they be released so that they can at least be buried.

Instead of releasing their bodies, Raisi and his regime have gone on lying about them.

Was the helicopter crash that killed Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi an assassination or an accident?

It is doubtful Israel would prefer a change, given Raisi’s departure may produce a leadership that would be more inclined to negotiate with The U.S. Regime.

The CIA and the Obiden Regime “couldn’t figure out how to change a lightbulb let alone have the guts and the know-how to pull something like this off.”

The likeliest suspects for assassination would be within Iran’s own political “snakepit…but Iran’s political players usually denounce and destroy each other using the system.”

Final thoughts: Flying a rotary winged aircraft that predates the Iranian revolution into heavy fog along mountainous terrain seems to be more suicidal than homicidal.