Coincidences: So Many World Leaders Being Killed or ATTEMPTS Made on Their Lives

Have you noticed a trend in the past few weeks? Suddenly being a world leader has become VERY dangerous.

This from

Of course, the job of leading a nation-state has always had a high level of risk even in normal times, but the degree of danger has significantly escalated of late, and especially if such a leader is from a BRICS nation.

The following is a short summary:

The full text follows:

Over the past two weeks:

May 7th: Assassination attempt against Saudi Crown Prince.

May 13th: Turkish President Erdoğan holds emergency meeting following warning of possible military coup.

May 15th: Assassination attempt on Slovak PM Robert Fico.

May 16th: Citizen arrested for threatening to assassinate Serbian President Vučić.

May 19th: Saudi Arabia’s King Salman hospitalised for second time in four weeks.

May 19th: Helicopter crash involving Iranian President Raisi and Foreign Minister Amir-Abdollahian.

What is going on right now?🤯

More here:

Many are noticing this and asking questions….

Here are more details from Grok:

  1. Assassination Attempt on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (May 7, 2024): An assassination attempt was made on Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. No further details about the incident or the outcome are provided in the information available.
  2. Assassination Attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico (May 15, 2024): Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot and critically injured in the central Slovakian town of Handlová, in front of its House of Culture after a government meeting. The suspect, Juraj Cintula, was detained by police. Fico was hospitalized and stabilized after emergency surgery.
  3. Fatal Helicopter Crash Involving Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi (May 19, 2024): Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi was involved in a helicopter crash and is reportedly seriously injured. No further details about the incident or the current condition of President Raisi are provided in the information available.

And the elephant in the room: This may all be related to BRICS.

And not just BRICS itself, but the BRICS currency that is going to compete against the dollar?

In fact, there’s a real history here. Please, read on:

Via a ChatGPT and Grok list of world leaders who were killed or died shortly after announcing they would either stop using the US Dollar, compete against the US Dollar, or move to a gold standard:

  1. John F. Kennedy (USA): JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963. It is speculated that his efforts to diminish the power of the Federal Reserve and his signing of Executive Order 11110, which allowed the Treasury to issue silver certificates, might have contributed to his assassination​ (WorldAtlas)​​ (Wikipedia)​.
  2. Muammar Gaddafi (Libya): Gaddafi was killed on October 20, 2011, during the Libyan Civil War. He had proposed the creation of a gold-backed African currency (the gold dinar) to replace the US dollar in African trade. This plan was perceived as a threat to Western financial interests​ (Africa Check)​.
  3. Saddam Hussein (Iraq): Saddam was executed on December 30, 2006, after being captured by US forces. Before the 2003 invasion, he had announced plans to trade oil in euros instead of US dollars, challenging the dollar’s dominance in the oil market​ (Wikipedia)​.
  4. Hugo Chávez (Venezuela): Although not assassinated, Chávez’s death in 2013 followed his vocal opposition to the US dollar’s hegemony. He had advocated for regional integration and proposed alternatives to the US dollar, including the use of the Venezuelan petro as a cryptocurrency backed by oil reserves​ (Wikipedia)​.

These leaders had proposed significant changes to the global financial system, particularly in ways that could undermine the dominance of the US dollar, and their deaths have been the subject of various theories regarding the motivations behind their removal from power.

Next from Grok:

A list of world leaders who planned or announced they were going to either stop using the US dollar, compete against it, or move to a gold standard and were then killed or died shortly thereafter, including JFK:

  1. John F. Kennedy (JFK) – In 1963, President Kennedy issued Executive Order 11110, which authorized the US Treasury to issue silver certificates, thereby bypassing the Federal Reserve. He was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
  2. Ebrahim Raisi – The Iranian President was killed in a helicopter crash on May 19, 2024, after Iran’s plans to de-dollarize and join the BRICS currency plans.
  3. Muammar Gaddafi – The Libyan leader was killed in 2011 after he proposed a gold-backed African currency, the dinar, to compete with the US dollar and the CFA franc.
  4. Saddam Hussein – The Iraqi President was killed in 2006 after he announced in 2000 that Iraq would no longer use the US dollar for oil transactions, instead switching to the euro.
  5. Hugo Chávez – The Venezuelan President died in 2013 after announcing plans in 2009 to de-dollarize and create a new regional currency, the Sucre, to reduce reliance on the US dollar.
  6. Salvador Allende – The Chilean President was killed in a coup in 1973 after he nationalized Chile’s copper industry and planned to use the profits to reduce the country’s reliance on the US dollar.

NOTE: The circumstances surrounding these leaders’ deaths are complex and may involve multiple factors.

The list provided is based on the specified criteria and does not imply a direct causal relationship between their economic policies and their deaths.

Q: Is this all related to BRICS?

A: Unknown for sure, but this all has been reported on many times in the past.

NOTE: BRICS creates new payment system, will compete against US dollar:

This could be worse than the Great Depression—overnight.

The following video will help to understand:

Final thoughts: The trouble facing America is much bigger than Soros and The Regime, than globalism and the world acronym organizations.

God speed to Conservatism and to President Trump and The Plan.