Drop Joe Drop—Liberal Media—Demand Joe-Joe to Drop Out of the Race

Joe Biden is facing numerous headwinds in his fight to keep his assumed seat. He has had a terrible approval rating since 2022.

And despite what the White House says, he is losing support among key voting demographics.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

Despite this, the liberal establishment boxed out possible primary challengers. They ensured Biden would get the nomination, even as Trump quickly secured the GOP nod.

We the People have seen months of bad polling for Biden. Numerous swing states are siding with Trump, by large margins. Plus, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a bigger threat to Joe than to Trump. Now, a liberal newspaper just published an article making a demand for Biden to jump.

From The Post Millennial:

In an op-ed published on Monday titled How can Biden save America from Trump’s return to the White House? Drop out of the race, USA Today urged for Joe Biden to drop out of the race ‘for the good of the nation and the party.’…

Liberal-leaning paper USA Today called on Joe Biden to drop out of the race “for the good of the nation.”

The paper seems to fear Biden losing to Trump, giving the Republican a second term in office. Jeremy Mayer, the article writer, seems to think that if the Left finds someone else at this late hour, they can stave off a Trump victory.

Mayer wrote:

Biden is seen as too old to serve a second term by many voters.

Some perceptions of candidates can be changed. But voters are unlikely to decide that Biden is younger and more vigorous than they thought.

Further, any candidate who does take Biden’s place will have mere weeks to win back voters. Trump has built a support base over years and is gaining support as the communists/globalists implode.

But for a major paper to issue such a brutal rebuke would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. Yet Biden’s failures in office have forced liberals’ hands. He continues to make stupid mistakes, siding with radical progressives over everyday Americans. His policies have contributed to a wrecked economy, in which families cannot even afford milk and eggs.

Obama’s puppet has proven to be seriously unlikeable.

While Joe-Joe’s loss might be very likely, there may be a bigger risk for the DNC to pivot now. They would have to admit they were wrong for supporting Biden all this time, indicting his legacy and his pretendency. They are far too proud to do that, and they know that will help Trump’s campaign.

Final thoughts: Despite growing pressure from liberals, Biden likely will not voluntarily drop out of the race. His handlers will either continue their own melt down or they will be forced to push Joe-Joe out, and either way this will make for grand and perhaps dangerous entertainment.