Leftist Members of Congress Betray Biden over One Evil Move—Join GOP in Passing Landmark Bill

The Left rarely speaks out against their own leaders. Much less a crime-syndicate head puppet.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

However, from all appearances, Joe Biden is a failed appointee. The Regime’s agenda has crashed and burned and the polls show Joe-Joe losing to President Trump.

And there has been more than one occasion where the Left outright opposed one of The Regime’s decisions.

Recently, Biden—certainly at the behest of the Kenyan’s direction—made a move that shocked millions of Americans. Not only is this a contradiction of the ongoing agenda, but it upended decades of U.S. policy.

House Republicans since put forward a bill to rebuke Biden for doing this. And Leftists were on hand to join them.

From Fox News:

Several House Democrats defied the White House to support a bill rebuking President Biden for withholding offensive aid from Israel on Thursday.

The Israel Security Assistance Support Act would condemn the president’s posture on Israel’s Gaza invasion while compelling [The Regime] to expeditiously send any weapons shipments already approved by Congress.

It passed in a 224 to 187 vote, with 16 Democrats joining 208 Republicans in advancing the bill. Democrats who supported it include Reps. Tom Suozzi, D-N.Y.; Darren Soto, D-Fla.; Ritchie Torres, D-N.Y.; Marie Gluesenkamp Perez, D-Wash.; and Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, among others.

The House passed a bill that condemns Biden’s withholding of weapons to Israel. After demanding hundreds of billions of dollars for an endless war in Ukraine, Biden is refusing to provide our longstanding ally with weapons. This comes as Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas are trying to destroy the Jewish nation.

Sixteen from the Left supported the bill, defying Biden’s policy and condemning his actions. The bill will withhold funding from the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State, and the National Security Council if there are further delays in aid to Israel.

Little doubt, the rationale to turn on Israel is coming from the Kenyan moslem sympathizer. He is at least part to blame for the suffering of civilians in Gaza, but he is causing Israel to be blamed while also causing world tension.

NOTE: Biden seems to be trying to win back progressives, who are spreading anti-Israel and antisemitic hate.

Jobama may fear losing progressive voters, with the election in just a few months. Polls suggest there is a risk of losing needed swing states.

If he cannot hold onto [the extreme Left], he will have no chance of [stealing] reelection.

Final thought, a rhetorical question and a supposition: What is Obama thinking? He is having the puppet Biden act in ways that will certainly upset millions of moderates by turning on a longstanding ally like Israel. Already many Jewish Americans are outraged by The Regime’s betrayal in the face of a growing threat. By trying to pander to the extreme Left, The Regime (Obama) is losing American votes for the sake of jeopardizing Israel’s existence.

This election has become a battle of two extreme points of view: Too Big to Rig vs. The Fix Is In.