Commentary for a Sunday: A Moslem President and a Manchurian Puppet

God forbid Barack Hussein Obama steals a fourth term. If this horror were to occur—and continue unchallenged—We the People would certainly be facing an increase in terror attacks—on our own homeland and on hotspots throughout the world.

I know better than to give Obama all the credit, but when the puppeteer is also a puppet—controlled by not-fully-identified larger puppeteers—the blame will be placed on him, at least until the Military Tribunals commence.

This from

Early in his tenure as America’s first moslem president, Obama spoke at the University of Cairo in Egypt and invited members of the Muslim Brotherhood front and center.

NOTE: By then the Muslim Brotherhood had already become so entrenched in the United States they were operating in accordance with a strategic plan which is called: An Explanatory Memorandum on the General Strategic Goal for the Brotherhood in North America.

This document was written in 1991 by one Mohammed Akram and was found during an FBI raid in 2004 in Northern Virginia. It was translated and produced as evidence in the largest Islamic terrorist funding trial, the Holy Land Foundation case, in Houston, Texas, in 2008.

Now, back to Barack Hussein Obama, America’s Manchurian Candidate who became our beloved country’s first moslem president. The following is a—not all encompassing—list of his accomplishments for Islam and treasonous acts against the United States of America.

It was Obama who:

 – [R]eleased the five senior members of the Taliban from GITMO to Qatar, and

 – [C]reated an ill-advised vacuum in Iraq, with the full withdrawal of US forces, leading to the rise of ISIS. Joe Biden referred to that as one of the greatest foreign policy decisions. That man has never been right on any foreign policy position.

Obama may have been given credit for killing Osama Bin Laden, but, actually, Navy SEALS did that. But, somehow, mysteriously, under Obama’s watch, Extortion 17 occurred:

 – [T]he greatest loss of life for SEAL Team Six in Afghanistan—still to this day, no one has been held accountable. In a clear contrast, just consider how the leftist media responded to former President Trump’s killing of Qasem Suleimani and Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. Quite telling.

Puppet Joe Biden is the continuation of the Obama third term and the appeasement, sympathies, support to, and enabling of Islamic terrorism.

Through Joe-Joe’s addled brain, Obama has:

 – [Committed an] insidious surrender debacle in Afghanistan [and] enabled the return of those five senior Taliban leaders, whom Obama had released,

 – We have recently witnessed Biden taking the side of Hamas, a vile Islamic terrorist organization, as Israel pushes for their destruction in their final stronghold, Rafah.

 – [Only Obama-Biden] could justify withholding arms and support to an ally fighting, unilaterally, against a designated terrorist organization that has the blood of Americans on their hands, and

 – [Obama-Biden] has not forcefully condemned these pro-Hamas demonstrations across America. [Their] position of moral equivalency and relativism only bodes to encourage the Islamic jihadist supporters. [Will] foreign students supporting Hamas, meaning Muslim Brotherhood, [ever] have their student visas revoked and be deported…that would send a clear message.

All of the above serves, sadly, to remind We the People the current Manchurian puppet is being force fed a Leftist ideological agenda which opposes America’s National security. And yes, under the moslem from Kenya, this agenda is designed to fully support Islamic terrorism.

To wit:

 – Recently, we learned that weeks ago, on or about May 3rd, two Jordanian illegal [aliens] had sought to gain access to US Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia. These individuals had entered our Republic illegally, aided and abetted by the open borders policy of Biden-Obama. Somehow, they were resourced and set up with a truck to supposedly deliver services onto the MCB, Quantico. They disobeyed directives and sought to freely drive onto the Base. The American people did not find out about this until two weeks later.

 – [An untold number] of Islamic terrorist operatives have come across our border illegally. [M]any of them are part of the almost two million that we refer to as “got aways.” Many of them are part of the insidious and unconstitutional [Biden-Obama] free-flight asylum program, which is loading up and flying illegals straight into our Country. Biden told ICE they are not to do their prescribed mission of seeking out and deporting those in America illegally. And especially in the case of single military-age males.

Questions/Answers—the Obama-Biden Regime:

Q: In a world where you just restored an Islamic terrorist sanctuary, Afghanistan, why would you push for a wide-open border entry into the United States of America?

A: The Obama-Biden Regime’s rationale is a continuation of Obama’s policy of supporting Islamic terrorism. Yes, harsh words, but true.


Q: How many billions of dollars have Obama and Biden facilitated to the coffers of the number one state sponsor of Islamic terrorism—Iran?

A: [D]uring the Trump administration, Iran was practically bankrupt with less than $10 billion of cash reserves. Groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Houthis were holding bake sales and lemonade stands to raise funds. Now that our Islamic terrorism-supporting President has refilled Iran’s financial coffers, these terrorist organizations are back in business. They are obviously able to finance Islamic jihadists to link up with the transnational narco-criminal terrorist organizations, cartels, to gain illegal entry into America.

The communist/globalist crime syndicate behind Barack Hussein Obama is in full alignment with the Islamic terrorists who had no issue committing mass atrocities on October 7th.

Two final thoughts of horror: The Islamic terrorist attacks we faced on our soil throughout the Obama years will, no doubt, return exponentially if Obama steals a fourth term.

If we allow Obama to continue to provide his assistance to Islam, the mass atrocities of October 7th in Israel will be repeated in America. Perhaps not soon, but eventually because Islam’s mission and Obama’s mission is to turn America into a moslem nation and eliminate We the People who do not believe in that death cult.