The Crime-Syndicate-Colluding Mass Propaganda Media Held the Alito Story for 3 Years, Intending to Keep It for a Useful Damaging Release

This release has been strategically held by the media’s opposition research files. The information was not determined to be tactfully damaging and useful until now.

This from

Yes, the media recently blew up a story about the Alito household flying an upside-down flag as a symbol of distress after the Biden takeover and militarization of D.C.

‘Too little, too late,’ should be the response from Conservatism. Political strategy of this nature is the work of Saul Alinsky snakes.

Apart from the sheer nonsense of the story, the rumblings contained one obvious unanswered question: Why was the media suddenly ‘pouncing’ on a story from Jan 2021? If this was such a big deal, why didn’t the media cover it then?

The answer is the media darlings had the story and they held it for an opportune release.

NOTE: Air no dirty laundry before its time and the time for the Alito story has arrived:

The wife of Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. told a Washington Post reporter in January 2021 that an upside-down American flag recently flown on their flagpole was “an international signal of distress” and indicated that it had been raised in response to a neighborhood dispute.

Martha-Ann Alito made the comments when the reporter went to the couple’s Fairfax County VA home to follow up on a tip about the flag, which was no longer flying when he arrived…

The Post decided not to report on the episode at the time because the flag-raising appeared to be the work of Martha-Ann Alito, rather than the justice, and connected to a dispute with her neighbors, a Post spokeswoman said. It was not clear then that the argument was rooted in politics, the spokeswoman said.

More aptly, the news was not very useful to the Left at that point in time. However, the Left has determined the news to be most useful now as part of a strategic attack on the Supreme Court especially in preparation for litigation involving Trump.

NOTE: The Left is pushing to have Alito recuse himself on anything dealing with President Trump.

The push is on to get Justice Alito and Justice Thomas to either recuse themselves from Trump election or immunity cases, or for Biden to announce a court-packing scheme while Dems still have a Senate majority, and so an old story the media didn’t even bother with it in 2021 is suddenly big news in 2024.

The flag is considered a symbol of extremism now because a few people carried the flag to the Capitol for an hours-long demonstration three years ago.

If only The New York Times applied the same rules to the militant anarchists who terrorized the nation in 2020 under rainbow banners of identity politics.

Let us not hold our breaths for The New York Times to publish “a follow-up story chronicling the extremism on display at congressional offices hanging the ‘progress pride flag?’”

And what about at the State Department? Or K-12 classrooms? Many of us feel very strongly the generic rainbow pride flag should be considered a symbol of virulent extremism?

Dirty politics is a science and if we were talking about the GOP or the MAGA party, the actions would still be dirty politics. However the communist/globalist crime syndicate and their colluding Leftist mass propaganda media are masters at dirty politics bar none.

To wit “opposition research” is ready and waiting to go:

– on anyone Trump picks as VP,

– on possible Senate candidates,

– so too on Republican candidates and officials, and

– as it turns out, [on] Supreme Court justices.