Karma 101: 1 in 3 Employers Are Worried About Hiring Campus Hamas Supporters

Businesses throughout the country are quickly learning all the disincentives of hiring those who have participated in pro-Hamas protests.

This from frontpagemag.com.

Google recently chose to terminate the employment of 28 protesting employees—a valuable “demonstration in what happens when you hire those psychos.” And this is the same lesson learned by nearly every other business that has hired the woke.

The lesson being learned by all contains two memorable elements:

 – [T]hese are pro-Hamas supporters rioting on college campuses—[think Islam: terrorism, a demand for special considerations, and the goal of eventual world domination], and

 – [This is] a ‘rich kid’ movement and those of its members looking for work will likely do so in DEI, lefty nonprofits, or some corporate niche like HR or marketing already populated by their own.

NOTE: Companies will be reluctant to hire supporters of murder, rape, and overthrowing America, yes, but the collateral damage will mainly involve the morons who were dragged along in their wake without having a trust fund or a career in saving the planet to fall back on.

To wit:

– The class of 2024 have graduated into a rocky jobs market and to make matters worse, employers are becoming increasingly wary about hiring them,

– In fact, 64% of employers have said they have become concerned about hiring graduates in the past five years more broadly, according to a recently published survey of 1,268 business leaders in the U.S. by higher education publication Intelligent.com, and

– Almost a third of employers are particularly worried about hiring recent graduates who have attended pro-Palestinian protests in the past six months, while 22% are reluctant to hire graduates who have participated in these demonstrations.

We the People of Def-Con News are aware of and concerned about Hamas, however, a large number of Americans have fallen into the false comfort of ‘out-of-sight-out-of-mind.’ Nevertheless, at this point in time only hardcore viewers of CNN who have drunk the Kool-aide could fail to notice those same protesting people when employed in a company will:

 – Demand mental health days,

 – Exhibit pronouns,

 – Try to cancel their fellow employees and then their bosses,

 – Form a completely unnecessary union despite doing nothing resembling work (e.g. The New York Times), and

 – Launch a purge to take over the entire company.

Employers beware. Hire the pro-Hamas woke psycho protesters at your own risk. Terrorism is not a sound company policy upon which to build a survivable future.