The Regime’s Iran Envoy Is Very Much Like a Spy

Republicans in Congress are expressing their concerns over The Regime’s Special Envoy for Iran, Robert Malley—after finding evidence that he downloaded documents, both sensitive and classified, and could have shared that information with contacts outside the United States government.

This from

Semafor reported:

Republican Sen. James Risch of Idaho and Republican Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas wrote Secretary of State Antony Blinken on May 6 regarding findings from their inquiry into Malley.

Malley was leading diplomacy efforts with Tehran when his security clearance was revoked by the State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security in April 2023. Malley was placed on unpaid leave in June 2023, and the FBI started an investigation that’s still ongoing.

Semafor also reported:

[B]ased on unnamed sources briefed on a congressional investigation into Malley, that the disgraced official transferred both sensitive and unclassified, as well as classified documents, to his personal devices—some of which involve his encounters with Iranian officials.

Among the questions raised by Risch and McCaul to Blinken were ones about these documents:

Did Malley send or attempt to send these documents to anyone who lacked the proper security clearance?

They also asked:

Were any of these individuals affiliated with the Iranian government or the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI)?

The IEI is a collective of experts on the Middle East based out of the United States and Europe. Semafor investigated the group in 2023 and found Iran used it to the benefit of many of its policy issues. Members of the IEI worked with Malley before and when he was special envoy to Iran.

Risch and McCaul expressed concerns to Blinken that Malley may have been hacked by the Iranians, a suspicion they had after information in his possession went public in Iran in early 2023. The Republicans believe that if Malley shared information on his devices with IEI, that could explain how it fell into the hands of the Iranian media.

The FBI and State Department aren’t disclosing the details of their efforts.

While there can only be speculation regarding Malley as the investigation is still underway, the information above doesn’t bode well for him.

There are certainly gaps in the story here:

Why did Malley use personal devices for that information and how did it come to be in the possession of the Iranians?

Did Malley act against American interests and willingly share information with Iran?

If not, did he share information with the IEI, which subsequently passed it along to Iran?

Another explanation may be that the information was mishandled by Malley and taken by Iran without his consent via hacking his devices.

To look at the broader context of the issue for The Regime, the Obama-Biden foreign policy record is atrocious:

– Ukraine and Russia where Americans are largely footing the bill of the former,

– United States’ relationship with the Middle East remains tense in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attack on Israel, and

– In April, Iran chose to attack Israel in support of Hamas’ efforts.

Additionally, whistleblowers recently outed Secretary of State John Kerry under Obama for his efforts to impede the FBI and Department of Justice arresting Iranian terrorists as he was trying to negotiate his Iran Nuclear Deal in 2015 and after its completion in 2016.

While the evidence so far may not be sufficient for the treasonous Obiden Regime to label Malley a spy for Iran, the Regime and FBI will certainly soon have much tale spinning to do to explain away their failure to act in a timely manner.