The Regime Plans to Use Taxpayer Dollars to Rebuild Gaza

The Obiden Regime ever seeking ways to further bankrupt America, has announced the U.S. will rebuild the homes of the terrorists in Gaza.

This from

Of course, all of the “ceasefire” countries are now strangely silent. So are the Arab countries that surround Gaza—not that they ever offered to lend a hand.

Once again, America will invest in this extremist society.

Not too long ago, The Regime invested $320 million into the harebrained idea to get aid into Gaza via a floating pier.

[This] magical pier that presumably could elude Hamas thievery (because why else would we need an alternative way to get aid into Gaza where there are perfectly functional roads?) lived a whole 12 days until the first rough winds blew it apart. But what’s $322 million, anyway? Just loose change for a country with nothing better to spend their money on.

In 2018, President Trump’s administration defunded UNWRA of U.S. contributions, calling it an “irredeemably flawed” organization.

[The Regime] had the bright idea to resume funding, giving them over a billion dollars in the course of three years. In the third year, Oct. 7th happened, and we saw exactly what our money had been funding.

Now, learning nothing from history, The Regime thinks throwing money into the strip will fix everything again:

….[T]he United States will work with our partners to rebuild homes, schools, and hospitals in Gaza to help repair communities that were destroyed in the chaos of war.

The Regime claims these “partners” in the region will help make sure something like Oct. 7th never happens again:

The United States will help forge a diplomatic resolution, one that ensures Israel’s security and allows people to safely return to their homes without fear of being attacked.

With a deal, a rebuilding of Gaza will begin [with] Arab nations and the international community, along with Palestinian and Israeli leaders, to get it done in a manner that does not allow Hamas to re-arm.

These imaginary partners who care about the peace and prosperity of the region have been mysteriously MIA since Oct.7th.

From all reported accounts, it seems that Israel has been on its own this entire time. But alas, according to Biden, we have an abundance of reliable friends in the area. Who knew?

This is another utter failure from The Regime. No doubt, the Kenyan is setting America up for one expensive failure after another—further bankrupting the bankrupt corporation.

Those in Gaza who call themselves Palestinians have demonstrated they are an extremist society. One goal may be to set them up as a proto-state but this begs the question, ‘For how long?’ If not Hamas returning, how long before another terrorist entity strongarms itself into control? And, of course, the people will be complaisant and complicit.

And the same question should be asked concerning the West Bank Palestinian Territory. Will the Palestinian Authority behave itself? Fat chance.

Final thoughts: Call me skeptical when I say I do not believe a long-term peace is possible between Israel and those who call themselves Palestinians.

Granted, with President Trump and his successor Conservatives in control of America, the odds may increase ever so slightly, but with the Kenyan and his handlers muddying the waters, the Middle East will continue to be embroiled in bitter contention.