BHO Has Finally Come Out of the Closet, Makes It Clear He’s Running the Nation into the Ground

For years, there have been rumors that Barack Hussein Obama is the puppeteer behind Joe Biden.

This from

Obama once said in a 2020 interview that he would be fine with running an election from his basement with an earpiece in his ear:

I used to say, if, if I could make an arrangement where I had a stand-in, a front man, a front woman and they had an earpiece in and I was in the basement in my sweats … I’d be fine with that.

Obama made the intention known on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert and told the far left host he never wished for a third term, but if he could have had a “stand-in” or a “front-man,” he wouldn’t have minded telling that person what to say.

Revolting vaingloriousness, yes? He’s not only queer, but he’s full of himself too.

And, for years there have been rumblings that it is the Kenyan who is behind Joe Biden’s reckless and radical policies.

In March 2024, The New York Times article by Katie Rogers provided groundbreaking insight into Obama’s behind-the-scenes activities, suggesting a direct link between Biden and current actions by the regime to take out President Trump.

This past weekend BHO finally made it official.

The Kenyan came out of the closet and announced Joe Biden’s Israel-Palestinian policy on Friday.

He announced Slow Joe’s policy positions on X.  Joe’s handlers do not trust Joe Biden to tweet anymore.

Here is the full text:

Today, President Biden put forward a clear, realistic and just plan to establish an immediate ceasefire and end the war in Gaza – a plan that ensures Israel’s security, returns hostages taken on October 7th to their families, increases aid into Gaza and relieves the suffering of Palestinian civilians, and engages Israelis, Palestinians, Arab countries and the broader international community in the process of rebuilding Gaza.

A ceasefire alone won’t ease the terrible pain of Israelis whose loved ones were butchered or abducted by Hamas, or the Palestinians whose families have been shattered by the subsequent war. It won’t resolve the longstanding conflict between Israelis and Palestinians, or answer contentious issues surrounding a two-state solution or continuing settler activity in the West Bank. But what it can do is put a stop to the ongoing bloodshed, help families reunite and allow a surge of humanitarian aid to help desperate, hungry people. It can save lives, here and now – and it can lay the foundation for what will be a long and difficult road to a future in which Israel is secure and at peace with its neighbors, and Palestinians finally have the security, freedom and self-determination that they have sought for so long.

As the tragedy in Gaza has unfolded over the past eight months, we’ve witnessed an often fierce public debate here at home – and around the world – regarding how the United States should respond. But no matter where each of us stand in these broader debates, an enduring ceasefire is something we should all support – for the sake of Israelis, Palestinians and the world at large. I am deeply encouraged by the steady, tireless efforts of President Biden, Secretary of State Tony Blinken and our diplomatic team to bring this awful war to an end.

We the People have known Joe-Joe is a puppet for the radical communist/globalist Left and now the Kenyan is no longer concerned about appearances.

We the People also know what Netanyahu’s response will be to the Kenyan’s “clear, realistic and just plan.”