Caution Patriots: The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ Flag Is Retroactively Being Purged—DO NOT FLY IT

Do not fly it? Yah, right. Watch, if you can, where I stick this Appeal-to-Heaven Flagpole.

The purge of the past continues. The Deep State seeks to eliminate our American culture—as it seeks to eliminate White America.

This from

Last week the media began broadcasting a narrative that Justice Alito is a dangerous extremist who must recuse from any cases involving Trump because his wife flew an upside-down flag as well as the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag.

And, God forbid, anyone flying the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag—a flag with a long and proud American tradition—is a dangerous extremist. But much as with the Gadsen Flag (Don’t Tread On Me) which has been retroactively classified as extremist, the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag had been commonly flown as a traditional American flag. Including in San Francisco.

For 60 years, residents in San Francisco could have spotted the flag in a public pavilion just a stone’s throw from the mayor’s balcony at City Hall. The ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag was among the 18 historic banners that billowed over a central plaza in one of the nation’s most liberal cities, where fewer than 13 percent of voters supported former President Donald J. Trump in the 2020 election.

Few people, including Mayor London Breed, made much of the white flag with a green pine tree. Until last week.

Now the Pine Tree flag must be frantically canceled and removed to prop up the narrative.

The flag dates to the Revolutionary War and was flown from George Washington’s ships as a symbol of rebellion against the British. Above the tree, the white flag has the words “An Appeal to Heaven” in black lettering.

In a different era, San Francisco leaders had civic intentions when they installed the “Appeal to Heaven” flag on Flag Day in 1964. It was one of 18 hoisted in a historic exhibit that was dubbed the Pavilion of American Flags, which was intended to showcase flags that had played an important role in the country’s history.

Ms. Breed ordered the flag’s removal, and city employees replaced it on Saturday with an American flag, according to Jeff Cretan, a spokesman for the mayor. A bronze plaque that explained the history of the flag was also removed from the pole.

Now another part of our history gets canceled. And expect other cities to soon follow suit. There are already complaints about flags that only look like the ‘Appeal to Heaven’ flag. And paranoia about anyone flying the flag.

In an eery sign suggesting that Trumpists and fomenters of civil war are everywhere among us, waiting for a signal to show themselves and rise up, a flag that was flown by January 6th insurrectionists, and recently by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito (or his wife) made an appearance this week atop a building in San Francisco’s Jackson Square.

There’s not a lot of info about who was behind the raising of the flag at 708-710 Montgomery Street, otherwise known as the Canessa Printing Co. building. The Chronicle reports that it appeared on the flagpole atop the building, which is also home to French bakery cafe Maison Nico, on Thursday afternoon, and when the Chronicle took notice of it and inquired, the flag was removed early Friday morning.

The purge of the past will continue. We the People must bring it to a stop—to save our culture and to save ourselves.