Union Blocks Teacher From Board Seat Because He’s White. He Sues.

Isaac Newman teaches social science in Elk Grove, California. Like most California public school teachers, he has been forced to join a union.

The issue at hand:

My union barred me from a leadership position simply because of the color of my skin.

This from frontpagemag.com.

When Newman tried to run for a position on its executive board, he was told his skin was the wrong color.

That board seat was reserved for ‘BIPOC’ people. Which is to say non-white people. Or more specifically, black, Indians, Latinos, Asians, and moslems.

Newman explained:

My union barred me from a leadership position simply because of the color of my skin.

This kind of racial litmus test is illegal and unamerican that’s why I’m taking them to court.

The union responded with a statement claiming:

[T]his appears to be a lawsuit backed by an outside extremist group to sow fear and division in our community.

We haven’t seen the details; but our priority continues to be our students and community.

Since the lawsuit has been made public, the details are out there. And if this teachers’ union has the students as its priority, that would make it the first such union in the nation. Perhaps the world.

Thankfully, we still have a judiciary that stands behind the U.S. Constitution, right?

Final thoughts: White people, generally speaking, do not understand, perhaps because they have been a majority for centuries, that when they cease to be a majority they will be furiously discriminated against—racially, religiously, culturally, and geographically.

Example: Black and moslem communities are typically No-Go zones for Whites. To begin to name these No-Go zones in America would be futile.

Another example: Thirty years ago the government of South Africa was turned over to the African National Congress. Apartheid still exists—some would say it simply changed colors. But the White peoples are not necessarily being abused, they are being exterminated.

Is there a peaceful response to all of this? Hell yes! Let us use the court system as long as it remains viable. And as the discrimination of Whites increases, may the Second Amendment still exist to assist us.