Opinion: New York Wants to Pull Trump’s Name From Park Visited by Trump Supporters

This is Donald J. Trump State Park. It’s in Westchester, New York. It has grass, trees, and the name of the man who the one-party state government hates more than tax cuts and locking up criminals.

This from frontpagemag.com.

And so, these Leftist lunatics keep trying to change the name.

The rationale behind naming it after Trump who wasn’t an elected back when the park was first name is quite simple and practical. He provided the land.

In 2019, State Senator Brad Hoylman-Sigal, Democrat of Manhattan, proposed removing Mr. Trump’s name from the park, arguing that keeping the then-president’s name was contrary to the state parks’ mission of uplifting and unifying New Yorkers. The measure passed the Senate in 2021 but has yet to come to the floor of the Assembly.

A current version of the bill has been filed but has yet to make it out of committee. And with just four legislative days left in the session before it is scheduled to end on June 6, any bill would seem to face an uphill climb.

And there are so many priorities for New York State’s communist/globalist assembly like:

 – Freeing more criminals,

– Raising taxes, and

– Welcoming in more illegal aliens.

And if they change the name of Donald J. Trump State Park, what will they change it to? Osama M Bin Laden Park (you can guess what the M stands for, Mohammed) or Joseph J.J. Stalin Park or Barack Hussein M. Obama Park.

Locals around there tend to be Republicans. But who cares what they think anyway?

It also seems likely that a fair number of visitors to the park voted for Mr. Trump: In voting districts to the north and east of the park in Yorktown and Yorktown Heights, Mr. Trump drew more votes than Biden in 2020.

Even so, Senator Hoylman-Sigal said that recent events had contributed to a flurry of interest in both houses that he believed could reinvigorate the measure to change the park’s name.

He said:

We hope the verdict primes the pump.

Having solved all the little problems, it’s time to tackle the big ones. Like the name of a political opponent being on a park.

For all their crazy ideas are worth, they can rename it Marcus Garvey Park. Just like the one in Harlem. Garvey was not a great unifying figure:

Garvey, an early black nationalist, had met with KKK leaders to undermine the NAACP.

He had said:

Between the Klu Klux Klan and the NAACP group, give me the Klan.


You may call me a Klansman if you will.

There are schools in America named after a racist who admired Hitler and Mussolini, and claimed to have been the first fascist.

Garvey boasted:

We were the first Fascists

He also contended:

Mussolini and Hitler copied the programme of the UNIA [United Negro Improvement Association].

Marcus Garvey urged his followers to read Mein Kampf. And declared:

What the Negro needs is a Hitler.

Garvey was cheered as the national hero of Jamaica. And also stated:

Hats off to Hitler the German Nazi.

New York is full of schools and parks named after Marcus Garvey. And none of them will be renamed.

Final thought: The absence of intelligent adult supervision very quickly turns once beautiful places into shitholes like New York City and southern California, to name just two.