The Hamas Role in the Worst Massacre of Gay People in America

Common Sense has been long lost to the wiles of radical Leftism.

Nearing the anniversary of the Pulse massacre, Queers for Palestine rally in support of their very own killers.

This from

Nearly eight years after a moslem terrorist committed the largest massacre of gay people in American history, LGBTQ Islamic terror supporters blocked the Philadelphia gay pride parade.

Members of Queers4Palestine chanted—referring to the Islamic terrorist campaign against the Jewish State—likening the gay pride parade with the KKK and the Israeli army:

Long live the Intifada…From the sea

to the river…Palestine will live forever!

No one—take serious note—has ever accused the LGBTQ attention seekers of not being confused about themselves. Obviously, though, there is more that confuses them than their own gender identity disorders.

Protesting a gay pride parade in support of Hamas is the textbook definition of cognitive dissonance. The two are mutually exclusive, no? Doubt not, as a prelude to the anniversary of the Islamic massacre at a gay nightclub, confusion is on full display here.

However, demonstrative display is truly what this gaggle of subversive opportunists is seeking. We may be confident the participants were each thinking, if not saying, ‘Come look at me. Aren’t I beautiful?’ This is certainly rationalization as a self-esteem defense mechanism for mental illness. Perhaps one day treatment will return to the norm displacing the encouragement of such behavior.

But I digress, on June 12th, 2016, Omar Mateen, an Afghan moslem, conducted his own ‘intifada’ at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, murdering 49 people and wounding over 50 more partygoers.

The terrorist attack at a gay nightclub is commemorated each year in the gay community without a single reference to the fact that Omar was a moslem terrorist killing for Islam.

Even though Omar Mateen had told coworkers he had ties to Islamic terrorism, had been investigated by the FBI as an Islamic terrorist (he had convinced the FBI that his coworkers were ‘Islamophobes’) and there are recordings of him pledging allegiance to ISIS during the attack, every anniversary of the Pulse nightclub massacre makes no mention of the ‘I’ word.

Omar had told a law enforcement negotiator:

My name is Islamic soldier. It’s the last month of the Ramadan… I fasted the whole day today. I fasted and I prayed.

Omar had come from an Islamic terrorist-supporting family. His father, who had run for president of Afghanistan, had publicly praised the Taliban. And there was also a Hamas connection.

Omar’s wife, Noor Salman, was born to Palestinian parents and her first marriage had been arranged in her father’s “hometown” in Israel’s West Bank. The Salman family owns extensive property in the area including businesses and an apartment in which they live part of the time.

Her mother had cheered Hamas.

And she had posted on Oct 6, 2013, and expressed her support for Hamas official Jamal Al-Taweel:

How many snipers from Palestine deserve a bow from our heads as respect to them?

My brother and friend, Jamal, rest assured that you are backed by a sister who prays for you night and day, asking Allah to release you from your imprisonment.

A photo included with the post praises one fighter who ‘killed 11 Zionists.’

One of Salman’s sisters had posted “Solidarity with Gaza.”

The Pulse terrorist’s ‘Palestinian’ wife was arrested and charged with providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization and misleading law enforcement about the attack.

According to authorities:

Noor Salman had admitted that she was aware her husband had bought a rifle, was watching terrorist videos and had even asked her, ‘What would make people more upset, an attack at Disney or a nightclub?’

She later told the FBI:

I knew he was going to do something.

This macabre tale of relational twists continues. To read more, click HERE.

Suffice to say, when American gay rights groups rally for ‘Palestine,’ Gaza, and Hamas, they are not merely supporting the murder of gay people thousands of miles away; they are also supporting their own murders right here in America.

Is this not collective suicide by deliberate ignorance?