Trump: I’ll Undo Biden Border Order, Use Fiscal Might to Curb Illegal Flow

Donald Trump said Thursday he would reverse Biden’s order clamping down on illegal border crossings.

This from

The expected Republican Party nominee also threatened to impose tariffs on countries that do not stem the flow of migrants into the United States, as he seeks to make electoral capital on an issue that polls show resonates with voters.

Asked by an audience member at an event in the must-win state of Arizona what he would do to shut off the flow of people entering the U.S. via the southern border—including migrants from China and the Middle East—Trump said he would use economic measures.

We have tremendous economic power… if China or some other country is behaving badly, we have things called tariffs that are so severe.


We are going to be so tough and if a country is not going to behave, we’re going to tariff the hell out of that country.

Trump was in Phoenix for his first event since the New York Kangaroo Court.

An infuriated audience in this southwestern border state was given the opportunity after a long speech to ask questions of the president.

While there were some on the cost of living, most were variations on a theme of immigration, [and issues polls show are] uppermost in voters’ minds ahead of the November 5 election.

Typical communist/globalist problem solving in which a situation is made worse, Biden, seeking to neutralize an issue he is widely thought to be performing badly on, this week issued an executive order barring migrants who enter the U.S. illegally from claiming asylum when numbers surge past 2,500 in a day.

Yes, 2,500 a day!

But the order will make it easier to deport people back to Mexico, so in Leftist rationale it’s a wash.

Biden came under fire from all sides for the policy shift, which uses the same law that Trump once employed to ban migrants from moslem countries.

Republicans lashed it as too little.

Trump on Thursday said he will reverse the order.

He told the cheering crowd:

On Day One of my administration, I will be rescinding Crooked Joe’s outrageous executive order—pro-invasion, pro-child trafficking… pro-drug dealers.

And I will terminate every single open borders policy of the Biden administration.

Trump is expected to hold a rally in the swing state of Nevada on Sunday.