House Communists/Globalists Are Already Scrambling to Prepare for a Trump Victory in November

The Left is scrambling to prepare their avalanche of roadblocks to try to prevent President Trump from putting his agenda in place.

This is why it is very important not only for Trump to win but for Republicans to win the House and Senate—and the more MAGA the better.

This from

The Left would not bother with any of this if they thought Biden was going to be re-emplaced. Their fear is very telling.

Politico reported:

House [Leftists] launch group to respond to possible second Trump term.

A group of House [communists/globalists] is launching a new task force to respond to the possibility of President Trump’s return to office.

The group is reacting to the so-called Project 2025, a policy road map for the next presidential administration compiled by the conservative Heritage Foundation. [The Left has] sought to turn the blueprint and its government overhaul proposals into a foil as campaign season ramps up.

Rep. Jared Huffman (C/G-CA), one of the lawmakers spearheading the effort, said:

This stuff is going to be coming at us at lightspeed. And if we are on our heels and reacting to it, we could lose our democracy. So we’re going to need to be ready to confront it in real time. And those plans need to begin now.

A few words of correction to the wise Representative Huffman, ‘You may think you have a democracy. But the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic.’ However, when you say ‘democracy’ you mean ‘communist/globalist one-party rule,’ yes?

The communist/globalist crime syndicate wants their task force:

[T]o be a hub for members of Congress, advocacy groups and others to coordinate and respond to a future Trump administration—and to raise awareness during the campaign.

Huffman said it would be composed of lawmakers from across the caucus like Reps. Jamie Raskin (C/G-MD), Pramila Jayapal (C/G-WA), Mark Pocan (C/G-WI), Diana DeGette (C/G-CO), Ted Lieu (C/G-CA) and Nanette Barragán (C/G-CA).

Conspiring to obstruct a Republican President? What happened to the importance of our sacred republic, those of you on the Left?

If this were a group of Republicans, @politico would be positioning it as a ‘coup’ or ‘insurrection.’

— Andrea E (@AAC0519) June 11, 2024


Democrats will never again accept a president from the GOP. It’s their intention to harm the nation if they can’t be in control.

— Carl Gottlieb (@c_cgottlieb) June 11, 2024


And there it is America the Marxist Democrats wanting to keep you from controlling your government.

— Accountability Addict (@BeAccountable4u) June 11, 2024


The Leftists are everything they falsely accuse Trump of being.