Trump’s Real COVID Treatment Making Waves Again

In early 2020, just as Fauci was hijacking the FDA and CDC, President Trump made a declaration about COVID19 treatment that shocked the Leftists:

A lot of good things have come out about the hydroxy. A lot of good things have come out. You’d be surprised at how many people are taking it, especially the front-line workers—before you catch it. I happen to be taking it. I happen to be taking it. … I’m taking it—hydroxychloroquine—right now.

This from

President Trump’s statements were immediately decried by Fauci’s medical bureaucracy and the mainstream media as “misinformation.”  The American Medical Association published a statement admonishing the President and his physician’s recommendation:

…some physicians and others are prophylactically prescribing medications currently identified as potential treatments for COVID-19… We strongly oppose these actions.

Trump was right. Hydroxychloroquine could have saved untold lives.

Off-label use of hydroxychloroquine has been proven effective for treatment of COVID19 in numerous studies since Trump took it in 2020.

Now in 2024, we have the prospect of H5N1 Bird Flu. Dr. Peter McCullough, COVID19 expert and Chief Scientific Officer at The Wellness Company, sees unsettling similarities to the pre-pandemic narrative, with the mainstream media and Big Pharma positioned to restrict effective, cheap medicines.

Trump’s Hydroxychloroquine could be one of those drugs restricted again. Dr. McCullough recently shared crucial research to his Substack readers that hydroxychloroquine is likely effective against H5N1:

Yan, et al. studied H5N1 infection in the laboratory and demonstrated that physiological relevant concentrations of chloroquine inhibited viral entry and damage to human cells. Additionally, when given as treatment and not prophylaxis, chloroquine reduced pulmonary alveolar infiltrates and improved survival in mice after a lethal dose of H5N1 from zero to 70%.

Hydroxychloroquine: The miracle drug every American should have.

Dr. McCullough asserts:

These data are encouraging if in the event we have more human cases among farm workers or if there is human to human spread, chloroquine or its derivative hydroxychloroquine would be reasonable therapeutic choices in the setting of high-risk or serious human avian influenza.

Early treatment of respiratory illness like COVID or bird flu with drugs like hydroxychloroquine is a critical tool in the medical arsenal. Dr. Peter McCullough (cover pic) explains:

Early intervention at the first sign of illness is critical to avoid a hospital visit. I have always wished patients could keep critical medications like antibiotics and hydroxychloroquine on-hand so they can act fast; a recommendation whose importance was underscored by the drug restrictions during COVID.  This is now a dream come true from The Wellness Company.

Hope is not a strategy. Tools are easily available to help us defend our health from whatever the bastards throw at us next.

If you are interested, check-out the following advertisement: The Wellness Company.

Final thoughts: This article is fully for information purposes only. Def-Con News is not recommending hydroxychloroquine or any other medication, or any particular company.