A Case of Sore A**: Leftist Lawmaker Wants to Criminalize Flying the American Flag Upside Down

A common U.S. flag code signal of dire distress has those of the mass propaganda media cranial anal deep diving to try to stop American Patriots from expressing their outrage and demand for change to American government misdirection.

This from redstate,com.

We the People have witnessed much ado about liberal ignorance concerning the U.S. flag code and those who flew the American flag upside down in protest of President Trump’s conviction in the Manhattan kangaroo case.  Specifically, because flying the U.S. flag inverted is not against the law, the communist/globalist crime syndicate is ignoring the fact such a signal has meaning and purpose, and is seeking to enact legislation making this a criminal offense.

Note: Technically, flying the U.S. flag upside down is not desecration of Old Glory, rather “according to the U.S. Flag Code, [it is] a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.”

Leave it to the mass propaganda media to inspire the fabrication of a bizarre controversy by at least one state legislature.

Illinois State Rep. Harry Benton recently introduced legislation making it a criminal offense for local or state government officials to fly the flag upside down for political purposes. He argued that the flag:

[I]s an enduring symbol of our national spirit and pride and of the sacrifices made by every generation of Americans.

Benton is responding to a local incident in which a Will County official flew the American flag upside down after President Trump was convicted on 34 felony counts.

Steve Balich, supervisor of Homer Township in Will County, reportedly ordered the national flag outside the Homer Township offices to be flown upside down after the conviction of  President Trump.

Benton said:

The public official who made this sad choice—to disrespect our nation’s flag and everything it stands for—may be disappointed in the outcome of a certain criminal trial, but that is no excuse.

That he then attempted to deflect rising outrage by draping himself in the very same flag he’d just finished spitting on makes his actions all the more pathetic.

State Rep. David Friess opposed the measure, arguing that:

[W]hen a person believes the country is in distress, the state should not be able to stop them from flying the flag upside down.

The lawmaker continued:

Even as a veteran, I don’t lose my cool … I understand that one of the greatest freedoms we have is free speech and I may not agree with an individual if he or she flies the flag upside down, but I absolutely respect your right to do that.

If the law is passed, which is unlikely, it would slap offenders with a fine of up to $25,000.

Final thought: If such an unlikely travesty as passage of this insane law occurs, perhaps the new signal for dire distress may become the flying of the rainbow pride flag.

God speed to the Patriots and the Take Back of our beloved Constitutional Republic.