SHOCK POLL: Latino Voters Trust Donald J. Trump Over Dementia Joe . . . on IMMIGRATION

Even more foreboding to those of the communist/globalist crime syndicate than the shocking poll numbers are the reasons cited for why Latinos are switching sides.

This from

The weeping and gnashing of teeth can almost be heard in the opening sentence of a recent article on left-wing propaganda outlet Axios:

Democrats no longer hold the robust advantage among Latinos they once did on immigration, according to a new poll.

And the voiced rationale behind this fear-infusing statement:

– Broken Promises about the border and the bald-faced lie about the border being secured, and

– The constant gaslighting by people like Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas, Karine Jean-Pierre, and Biden himself.

Not only is the Left’s advantage no longer “robust,” it is now non-existent. An Equis poll of 1,592 registered Latino voters showed 41% trust Donald Trump on immigration compared to only 38% trusting Joe Biden.

Latino Voters

The Latino vote is not secured and only the most devoted communist/globalist Kool-aide sucking cultist would be deluded enough to think so.

The poll was practically a “push poll” that was intended to sway voters into favoring Biden over Trump so it’s very likely the real numbers are actually worse for Democrats. They simply cannot be trusted to keep anyone safe, Latino or not.

This month, the Trump campaign launched Latinos for Trump with a robust list of goals and calls to action to help educate Hispanic Americans about the lies they have been told for decades by communists/globalists.

The iron is hot. The Trump campaign

needs to strike, and they are doing just that.

The most important messages Republicans can echo are:

– They’re not opposed to immigrants, just illegal aliens,

– Their policies are not racist, they simply promote the rule of law, and

– Hispanic American citizens will benefit the most under another Trump administration just as they thrived during his first term.

If Republicans in general and the Trump campaign in particular raise the border crisis as their primary concern while reiterating the importance of Hispanic American citizens in the coalition, the Latino vote could very well help propel what is already expected to be a blowout election to an historic landslide in November.