Trump Will Be Targeting Two Leftist Senators

Conservatism knows full well that President Trump must win reelection in November.

The very continued existence of our nation is dependent upon the return of Trump to the helm.

This from

Likewise, for President Trump to most effectively move forward his program of saving our once-great nation and returning it to greatness, a robust MAGA (Conservative) control of the U.S. House and Senate is essential.

And We the People must keep in mind, eliminating the destructive force of Joe Biden is not the primary goal. Eliminating the destructive force that put Joe Biden in his assumed position is the primary goal.

With this objective prescient in the minds of We the People, we must not only do what we can to support President Trump, but we must do what we can to bring about Conservative control of both Houses of Congress.

To wit, according to a recent Fox News Digital report:

President Trump has revealed there are two Democratic [communist/globalist] senators in red states that he will be targeting.

And to the surprise of any of us who still think Sen. Lindsey Graham (RINO-SC) is a Republican, on Thursday, he called for Trump to explain during a meeting on Capitol Hill why it is important for the Republican party to win back the Senate in the upcoming election.

Granted, I may have misunderstood the report and Graham may have been actually seeking explanation rhetorically for emphasis. Afterall, I would like to think he is capable of answering that question, but, hey, he is a compromised RINO of the worst kind.

According to a source who was in the room:

Graham had also referred to several vulnerable Democrats [communists/globalists] who had comparable records to Biden’s.

Trump specifically stated that Senators Jon Tester (C/G-MT) and Sherrod Brown (C/G-OH) were at the top of the list of whose seats they would be targeting as the two are facing tough reelection bids in Republican-led states that had gone to Trump in 2020.

The source noted:

Trump had pointed out that they had opposed everything he had done during his time in office, but now they were talking ‘like Republicans.’

The two Senators in question have appeared to distance themselves from Biden, as polls have shown he is not particularly popular anywhere, and especially in several swing states.

In May, Tester released a memo touting his ability to stand up to the President and his regime on several issues including the COVID mandate and the border crisis.

Tester’s spokesperson had been asked about Trump’s comments about his seat, to which the spokesperson responded:

During his time in office, Trump had signed over 20 bills that the Senator had electively brought forward.


Tester did right by his state.

Final thought: Now Tester can continue to do right by his state and the nation as well and respectfully lose his reelection bid to a MAGA candidate.

Even then, though, our nation will likely be embroiled in a kinetic civil confrontation (WAR) because the communist/globalist crime syndicate will refuse to relinquish control—they are full aware a MAGA victory will mean their prosecutions for treason and/or crimes against humanity.