MSNBC Mal-Legal Analyst Said It’s Dangerous to Peddle This Theory about the Trump Kangaroo Trial

Lisa Rubin was triggered yesterday, criticizing President Trump for attacking the sham indictment in the Manhattan hush money trial, whose credibility is seen as legitimate only among liberal circles.

The MSNBC legal analyst finds it dangerous that Trump would try to peddle a narrative that the Obiden In-Justice Department was pulling the strings behind the scenes.

This from

The hilarious part is that Rubin highlights why this is being discussed. Afterall, a top DOJ official, Matthew Colangelo, resigned to take a lower-tiered job to prosecute Trump.

Rubin’s only counterpoint is that Colangelo wasn’t leading the prosecutorial team. Also, it’s ‘perniciously racist’ to suggest that the Biden DOJ would do this because it insinuates that Manhattan District Alvin Bragg couldn’t have managed this case.

Ms. Rubin, the only person who thought of racism was you. Please, pull your head out from your anal orifice. No, better yet, leave it there and choke.

Further, Rubin could not explain why this Biden DOJ theory is not valid. The five words being neglected like an elephant in the room:

The Justice Department is corrupt.

To wit:

They’re going after not just Trump but anyone against the [communist/globalist crime syndicate] agenda.

Hence, the creepy visits to people’s homes over anti-Biden memes and helping a whistleblower expose child genital mutilation surgeries in Texas that might be part of a state Medicaid fraud scheme.

Judge Juan Merchan refused to allow expert testimony from former FEC Commissioner Brad Smith in Trump’s defense, which would have eviscerated the core of Bragg’s case, namely that the hush money payments and related paperwork were essentially overblown campaign finance violations.

CNN’s Elie Honig also torched the reasoning behind the charges and the trial, concluding that he’d be shocked if Trump were given jail time for a crime whose criminal classification is no worse than shoplifting a Snapple from a local bodega.

Townhall’s Guy Benson, who isn’t a hardcore MAGA supporter, further expounded on this point, and again, the Biden DOJ pulling the strings or endorsing this circus isn’t tin foil hat material:

A very senior Biden official left [The Regime] to prosecute Trump.

The [resident’s] team held a campaign event at the courthouse.

And the Biden DOJ conspicuously declined to do anything to enforce its own jurisdiction against Bragg’s flagrant and consequential infringement.

This can, and perhaps should, be interpreted as tacit approval of the partisan prosecution. Aid and comfort to that effort was not furnished through action, but through precedent-breaking inaction.

Whether the ‘justice has been served and no one is above the law’ crowd wants to admit it or not, [this] confluence of factors will cause many reasonable observers to conclude that on the whole, Trump has a point.

Oh, and there’s this creepiness from the resident:

Au contraire, MSNBC, the people do not see this as legitimate and never will. Except, of course, for your sycophantic Kool-aide-sucking, pathetically-dwindling audience, which is comprised of the likes of self-righteous Hunter Biden’s crack-pipe-hooked friends and family.