Speaker Johnson Sounds Alarm on ‘Noncitizen Voting’

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) on Thursday released a 21-page report on the threat of foreign interference in U.S. elections posed by “noncitizen voting” and urged passage of the SAVE Act.

This from newsmax.com.

The report’s executive summary read:

Congress must pass the [Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act] SAVE Act to close the loopholes that allows noncitizen registration and, in turn, voting; to enhance election security; minimize the risk of foreign interference; and restore Americans’ confidence in U.S. elections.

The report noted that prior evidence of noncitizen voting in federal elections “draws attention to loopholes in state and federal law” that lets the practice continue—and offers “a federal solution to this problem.”

The summary read:

Our report highlights the ease with which illegal aliens can register and vote in U.S. elections, including in every single battleground state.

If Congressional Democrats are serious about removing the threat of foreign interference in our elections, they will join us in supporting the SAVE Act.

According to the report:

Democrats ignore the real threat of foreign election interference posed when noncitizens are allowed to register and vote in U.S. elections. … Lax voter registration laws make it possible for noncitizens to register and vote in federal elections while campaign finance loopholes allow non-citizens to fund U.S. election activities—both of which can affect the outcome of our elections.

Evidence backing the charge of noncitizen registration includes, according to the Johnson report, a 2014 study analyzing the 2008 and 2010 elections that found not only had noncitizens illegally voted in U.S. elections “but that the votes of noncitizens likely determined the outcome in certain races.”

The report claimed:

In states like Massachusetts, Ohio, and Virginia, noncitizens have recently been removed from the voting rolls “and many of those noncitizens had voted.

The summary stated:

The Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act requires an individual to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote in federal elections—and would give states access to existing federal databases so they can remove noncitizens from the rolls.