Opinion: The Communist/Globalist Crime Syndicate Is Stuck with Biden—Hand Wringing and the Refrain: ‘We Can’t Make Him Leave’ Is Increasing

To the Leftist defeatists: It’s now or never, boys and girls. If there was ever a do-or-die moment, the results of that debate will likely be your last chance to drop Slow Joe from the ticket.

The communists/globalists have had plenty of time to edge Biden out. But, despite all their lamenting, “What about Joe?” no one has seriously tried to do anything. This humorously is another instance of the wise man’s words from long ago coming back to haunt the Left.

To wit: “A question that must be answered ‘yes’ or ‘no’ actually has three possible answers.” No answer is, in fact, an answer, and the Left is now nearly at the point of having no answer, i.e., no recourse.

“The DNC rigged the primaries for Biden. He’s the nominee. There are possible convention challenges, but they’re a longshot because the power behind Joe Biden” is not merely Dr. Jill Biden.

[A] network of political careerists who are using him and who in traditional fashion control the DNC…have to be dealt in or crushed and the whole show would further wreck the party’s standing.

The open question is whether the communist/globalist crime syndicate will suffer worse with Biden on the ticket or a struggle through a divisive convention fight that splits the party.

Any talk of a 25th Amendment would be the same problem x 10.

Short of a concerted effort to convince Biden he cannot run again and has to announce he will drop out for health reasons (or maybe to be there for Hunter and his family) what is The Regime to do?

[But this will mean] Obama, Hillary, and every influential party figure [must stage] an intervention [and inform] key DNC people that unless they switch sides, they will be blacklisted.

Could this possibly be accomplished? Yes. But it would require getting everyone on board. And that would be a challenge—but much less of a challenge now following the June 27 debate from hell.

The other problem with this scenario is that Kamala will remain as the candidate. As much as The Regime would love to bring in Gruesome Newsom, getting Kamala out would be even harder because, although she is stupid, she is not senile and the electoral existence of the party depends on black women.

NOTE: “[P]eople keep having Michelle fantasies despite the fact that she combines all the least likable aspects of Hillary and Kamala and none of the positive ones and also doesn’t want to run.”

Interestingly, as reported by Breitbart Friday:

Biden is not dropping out of the presidential race, his campaign spokesperson, Seth Schuster, told the Hill Friday.

Further, a Biden advisor told CNN Friday:

Biden will not drop out of the race and he is looking forward to participating in the second debate in September.

Final thoughts: The communist/globalist crime syndicate (C/G C S) seems to be stuck. And as any gaggle of like-minded criminally inclined miscreants, they are more practiced at mitigating disaster than totally avoiding disaster.

My guess is The Regime is busy devising their cover story rather than avoiding the problem altogether.