Mr. Obvious, Lindsey Graham: If Trump Wins, Biden, Mayorkas, and Others Will Be Prosecuted

Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said Sunday on CNN’s State of the Union that Joe Biden and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro

Mayorkas could be criminally prosecuted if former President Donald Trump wins in November.

This from

But first Dana Bash pressed Senator Graham on why it didn’t give him “pause” that Trump made numerous false claims during the debate.

“…numerous false claims” though, I doubt seriously you counted Biden actual false claims.

Graham wisely pivoted away from such an insane accusation. Instead, he emphasized that Trump had a very strong performance while Biden did not.

He told Bash:

Well, I thought he had a very good night. People who watched the debate thought the same thing, too.

At the end of the day, he was strong, he was clear, he was coherent. But this idea that Biden had a bad night, that’s not the story. He’s had a bad presidency, had a disastrous debate.


How could we get here? How could the American people see what they saw and not be forewarned?

You have got a compliant media who’s written off the problems with President Biden. They have tried to soft-sell this as an attack by the right wing that he’s compromised.

There is no clean-fakes here.

Graham then pointed to recent editorial pieces by The New York Times and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution that called on Biden to step down from the race.

He continued:

The man is compromised, and the media has been covering. The policies of his administration are destroying the country. And The New York Times and The Atlanta Journal-Constitution warn him out, but they think he’s a good president.

He’s not a good president. He’s a decent man. He’s a failed president. He is compromised. That’s the storyline here.

When pressed further on whether he was comfortable with Trump saying he would only accept the results of the election if “it was fair and legal and a good election,” Graham affirmed that he was.

Worth the 6:30 minutes to listen (viewing is not ideal):

Graham said:

The Democrats keep calling President Trump a felon. Well, be careful what you wish for. I expect there will be investigations of Biden’s criminality at the border.

If I am Mayorkas I should be worried that somebody’s going to come after you because you’ve abused the parole statute.

The Hunter Biden laptop, all 51 of the people who signed the letter saying the laptop was fake and Russian disinformation, I hope somebody looks at you because that’s election interference.

So, this country is going to have a resetting here and using the Biden standard of glorifying political prosecutions–Pandora’s Box has been opened. Whether he steps down or not accountability is coming to him.

Bash said:

I want to get to a couple of important issues, sir, but you just warned of retribution.

Graham said:

Yeah, I warned that the Pandora’s Box opened by the Democrats is going to be applied here. There should be an investigation of Mayorkas and Biden for abusing the parole statute that led to the murder of Laken Riley. They let the accused killer out because of lack of capacity. They paroled him illegally. I think the criminality of the Biden border policies should be looked at. We should look at how people lied about the Hunter Biden laptop being fake when it was real. Yeah, I expect people to look at that. That a January 6 Committee looking at what happened on January 6. I hope there’ll be a committee looking at border policy policies that have led to the rape and murder of lots of Americans, people from 18 to 30 dying by Fentanyl poisoning coming to a broken border. Yeah, I hope that does happen.

Bash said:

I want to ask you about the Mid East because you have working to try to negotiate a defense agreement with Saudi Arabia that could pave the wave for a broader normalization deal between them and Israel. The last time you were on the show you told me you want to help President Biden get this done and that we’re running out of time. Where does that stand now?

Graham said:

I am still trying to help President Biden and his team to have Saudi Arabia normalize with Israel. What needs to happen here is the war needs to lesson in terms of military conflict in Gaza. I think that’s gonna wind down. And they need to negotiate an answer to the Palestinian question. …

I am urging the American people to listen to what Congressman Clyburn said. He thinks President Biden has been a great president and he had a bad night. No, he had a bad night and he’s been a terrible president.

If you want more of the same, broken borders, a world on fire, out of control inflation, then you need to reelect President Biden.

If you want to fundamentally change and go back to the policies of Trump, then you need to vote for him. Is that clear?

Final thoughts: By allowing Senator Graham to speak uninterrupted, Dana Bash seemed to tag team with him to throw Biden under the bus. Then Graham went further to say that Trump had a good night and will save the country and the world.