Islamic Ingenuity, One Murderous Thought Ahead: Moslem Terrorists Unveil Suicide Babies

Islamic murderous ingenuity—always seeking a more effective way to kill the infidels—appeared to be turning stale as formerly fresh ideas like suicide donkeys, burning people alive in cages, and beheading multiple people simultaneously on video grew repetitive and tiresome.

This from

But over in Nigeria, where an actual moslem genocide against Christians is being forcefully ignored by The Obiden Regime, the media, and the ceasefire crowd, Islamic terrorists proved they still have new ideas.

Behold, the world’s first suicide baby:

Coordinated suicide attacks claimed the lives of at least 18 people in northeastern Nigeria on Saturday.

The Islamist group Boko Haram, which has not officially claimed responsibility for the explosions, has been waging violence in the region for more than ten years.

At least 18 people were killed and 19 seriously wounded in suicide attacks targeting a wedding, a hospital, and a funeral in northeastern Nigeria on Saturday, authorities said.

And just because this wasn’t evil enough…

In one of three blasts on Saturday in the town of Gwoza, a woman with a baby strapped to her back detonated explosives in the middle of a wedding ceremony, according to a state police spokesman.

Borno State police spokesman Nahum Kenneth Daso said:

At about 1545 (1445 GMT) a woman carrying a baby on her back detonated an Improvised Explosive Device (IED) she had on her at a crowded motor park.

Some people ask what the Islamic position on abortion is. The answer is that the baby can be killed at any time as long as…

  1. It isn’t [moslem]
  2. It’s being used to kill non-[moslems]

The question on everyone’s mind:

‘When will suicide babies come to America?’

The answer:

This depends on the rate of migration from the moslem world.