The Regime to Kill 470,000 Owls to Save Other Owls, Seriously

Remember when Lefties sneered about ‘destroying the village to save the village’? Turns out that’s their only strategy for governing.

This from

But sometimes you have to kill a lot of owls to save some other owls. And if you kill enough owls, you save all the owls and the planet. That’s how it works, right?

To save the imperiled spotted owl from potential extinction, U.S. wildlife officials are embracing a contentious plan to deploy trained shooters into dense West Coast forests to kill almost a half-million barred owls that are crowding out their smaller cousins.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Wednesday was expected to release its final plan to prop up declining spotted owl populations in Oregon, Washington state, and California…The plan calls for killing up to 470,000 barred owls over three decades after the birds from the eastern U.S. encroached into the territory of two West Coast owls: northern spotted owls and California spotted owls.

Trained shooters. That’s what they call themselves now.

Bridget Moran, a deputy state supervisor for the Fish and Wildlife Service in Oregon, said:

We’re at a crossroads. We have the science that indicates what we need to do to conserve the spotted owls, and that requires that we take action on the barred owls.

Shooting a lot of owls is ‘the science’. How many studies did Fish and Wildlife authorize to figure out what any hunter would have told them?

The problem with picking and choosing winners in the owl market is that it doesn’t actually work.

Shooting a whole lot of barred owls is not going to stop them from eventually expanding anyway. And if the spotted owls can’t compete, they won’t survive. That’s how the natural world works.

Perhaps Bridget can look at the ‘science’ and see how it works that way.

But this comes after decades of wasted time, lost money, and endless government regulation.

Early efforts to save the birds culminated in logging bans in the 1990s that roiled the timber industry and its political supporters in Congress.

Yet spotted owl populations continued to decline after barred owls first started showing up on the West Coast several decades ago.

It’s not about saving the spotted owls, but a government bureaucracy killing half a million owls to protect its authority. If the spotted owls disappear, how will Fish and Wildlife justify blocking logging?

Final thoughts: This seems like an instance of man f**king with mother nature, again.