The Religion of Peace Celebrates Year 1446 with Killing and Destruction

The demented mouthpiece of The Regime—with the queer Kenyan moslem puppeteers hand up his backside—extended a wish for a Happy Islamic New Year to all families of peace who celebrate.

This from

However, if there is anything a new Islamic year is least likely to usher in it is “peace.”

As The Religion of Peace has reported:

[T]he June 29 through July 5 week marked 28 attacks,

161 deaths, 162 injuries, and 6 suicide blasts in 11 countries.


In June, there were 63 attacks, 562 killed, and 559 wounded.

Islam, we are repeatedly told, means peace. But peace in Islam means submission. And the only way to achieve submission is through conquest.

When moslems kill non-moslems, they’re fighting for peace. And the Koran tells them that only when all non-moslems are conquered, enslaved, or converted will there be peace.

But this promise of peace is a fallacy in and of itself. For if the world were to assume the cult of Islam—100 percent, the rationale for continued killing and denial that peace had yet been achieved would become the varying sects within Islam striving to eliminate one another. For no Allah-fearing, self-respecting Suni or Shiite or Sufi, or Dervish, etc., etc. should be expected to live peacefully with anyone who does not follow Mohammad in the manner which they see as the correct way.

Islamists devoutly wish for peace and that’s

why Jihadists killed over 500 people in June.

How many people will die in the Islamic new year? As many as it takes in Islam’s thousand-year genocidal quest for peace.

Peaceful massacres are constantly either breaking out or on the verge of breaking out.

French intelligence agents have arrested would-be ISIS suicide bombers after they thwarted two terror plots targeting the Paris Olympics.

How much more of this kind of peace can we tolerate before we choose segregation from the Religion of Peace?