My Favorite Trump Story

Good morning, Def-Con News readers.

You may have already seen this, but information like this—action that would have saved lives and kept America’s proud reputation intact—does not get old and is well worth another look.

This from

Click HERE to view short clip.

The mainstream media will never share this story about how President Donald J. Trump handled a negotiation with the Taliban in Afghanistan in a legendary, distinctly Trumpian manner.

Consider this especially in light of how the puppet imposter who followed him, Dementia Joe, botched our withdrawal from that conflict. Subsequently, bringing about the deaths of thirteen U.S. Service Members.

The above clip was previously made available, and it was followed with the statement that afterward for 18 months no American was killed.

This statement may not be true, but it has that Trump sound to it.

And picture Trump shaking his finger in the face of the Taliban leader while Joe would have had a check book and pen saying, ‘Now just how many billions was that?’

God speed to Conservatism, God speed to the Take Back of our Constitutional Republic, and may God keep President Trump safe and vibrant.