Many now are calling for a serious investigation of the Secret Service.

We the People are entitled to answers NOW and no more JFK-style investigation BS that rattled on for generations and covered up the DEEP STATE—which may be involved again.

This from

Crooks Outsmart Secret Service

Trump now knows the game, as We the People do; this time, he will have his own cabinet—those he fully trusts—no more Mr. Nice Guy.

And this makes him a serious threat to the Neocons and the Deep State.

This assassination attempt—if that is what it was, i.e., if it was not a staged event like some security and combat military experts are saying—was the first serious attack on the life of a president since President Ronald Reagan was shot as he left the Hilton Hotel in Washington on March 30th, 1981. That was 43 years ago.

The communist/globalist crime syndicate and their colluding mass propaganda media machine have started calling the young man believed to be the shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, a Republican to divert blame from themselves. But this kid was a loner, who may have been registered as a Republican voter, but he donated to left-wing causes. Here is the Guardian on the subject.

Warning FAKE News


Johnathan Willis

There are claims that some Secret Service Agent named Jonathan Millis said he was one of the two men in this photo and he was not given permission to shoot. This seems to be fake news claiming he was one of the two guys in the photo with “POLICE” on the back, which neither the FBI nor the Secret Service wear. Look, they will deliberately start outrageous FAKE NEWS so they can easily discredit that and then attribute everything else said to the same source. This is how they use FAKE NEWS for political purposes.


There is new video that corroborates people on the ground having spotted the alleged shooter, Thomas Matthew Crooks, crawling around on the roof with the rifle, and the people shout about it and point him out for almost a minute, but obviously, he is not stopped before the shooting.

If the people pointing him out saw the rifle, that has to be incredibly brave that they did that, since he could have turned the rifle on them.

This adds more context and confirms, in part, what the BBC witness said. People were pointing this guy out for some time before he did any shooting. It wasn’t just seconds. So there was a lot of time, potentially, to stop him or take him out, or at least get Trump off the stage. Why wasn’t he taken out, and how was this allowed to happen? You can see at least one officer walking by the building as people shout.

There was also a concerning report that a local officer confronted the shooter, but when the shooter turned the rifle on him, the officer retreated down a ladder. There’s going to be an investigation of the shooting, but if that’s true, that’s pretty incredible as well. How could a law enforcement officer not act under those circumstances to take him out?

It’s already looking like there were a lot of colossal failures here, and the Secret Service needs to answer up as to why all this went down as it did. When the people on the ground end up doing the job that you’re supposed to be doing, there’s a problem.

Final thoughts: Colossal failure or staged event? For obvious reasons the Department of In-Justice must not be trusted to investigate this event.