Photo Catches Bullet Intended for Trump in Mid-Air, Plus: Dan Bongino Said What Many Are Thinking—‘Donald Trump Move[d] His Head and Saved His Own Life’

A picture says a thousand words, and this amazing photo may say even more as it captured a bullet in mid-air streaking by the head of former President Donald Trump during Saturday’s assassination attempt at a political rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

This from

The image was snapped by Doug Mills, a well-known photographer for the New York Times.

The bullet can be seen flying above Trump’s shoulder to the right of his head as the president turned to the side momentarily.

Former U.S. House Speaker Newt Gingrich told Sean Hannity of Fox News it was “providential” that Trump turned his head just before the shot, noting:

[Trump] has been vilified by Joe Biden and the

Democrats in the left wing more than

any president since Abraham Lincoln.

Mills kept clicking the shutter on his camera and caught the sequence of events as Trump was shot.

Dan Bongino, a former U.S. Secret Service agent and present-day talk-show host, is calling Saturday’s failure of the federal agency to protect President Trump “absolutely catastrophic,” and said:

Kim Cheatle, the director

of the Secret Service, should resign today.

Appearing on Fox & Friends Sunday morning, Bongino also said:

[T]here’s only one entity that rescued Trump from a certain assassination in Butler, Pennsylvania, and that’s Trump himself.

Bongino explained:

There’s only one entity out there that saved Donald Trump’s life yesterday and it pains me to tell you guys this, you know who that is? It’s Donald Trump.

If he moves his head an inch to the left or right, guys, this is a really different show today. I mean, this is—it’s bad enough we have to do this show about this topic. Can you imagine what would have happened if Donald Trump did not duck?

Looking at the stage there, I’m speculating but I’m pretty sure based on experience that the bunting around the front of the stage is probably armor.

Donald Trump knew to duck. Most people would. He saved his own life. That’s just a fact.

Kimberly Cheatle, director of the U.S. Secret Service (Official photo)

Kimberly Cheatle, Director, U.S. Secret Service and former PepsiCo executive.

Dan Bongino continued:

The evacuation did not go right. I mean the rule of Kimberly Cheatle, director of the U.S. Secret Service and former PepsiCo executive, the secret service is cover the protected and evacuate. The other rule is maximum to the protectee, minimum to the problem. Why minimum the problem? Because you don’t know that’s the only problem. It could be a distraction. There could be another person in the crowd. If you don’t jump on the protectee, you could be looking at multiple shooters. So at least that part the guys stepped up there.

But the failure here is absolutely catastrophic and I’ve got to tell you, the secret service should be very careful. I can tell you and absolutely confirm from the horse’s mouth, from multiple people, not just one, and I saw congresswoman Waltz text this out before on X, there have been repeated requests to increase the security footprint around not just the residences of Donald Trump but the body itself and they have been rebuffed. I can tell you actual quotes.

The Secret Service director’s completely failed and candidly should resign today. Kim Cheatle has failed Donald Trump and has failed Joe Biden too. He’s the president right now. Where’s the DHS secretary? You’re blaming it on manpower. We’re a $4 trillion United States government and we can’t fork over enough money to keep our people alive and you’re sending out tweets, this is the best technology we have? Really. To let a sniper 150 yards away from the potential next president shoot a piece of his ear off? That’s the victory lap? Give me a break, man.


According to The New York Times:

Trump told Dr. Ronny Jackson that he turned his head to the right to look at a chart on illegal immigration statistics when a bullet grazed his ear.

President Trump said to Rep. Ronny Jackson by phone just hours after the attempted assassination:

That chart that I was going over saved my life. The border patrol saved my life.

If I hadn’t pointed at that chart and turned my head to look at it, that bullet would have hit me right in the head.

From Rep. Jackson:

I spoke to OUR President last night. He is doing well and as STRONG AS EVER. Thank God he is ok! If you ever wondered, your questions have been answered last night, he IS the WARRIOR this country MUST have to survive. God Bless Trump and God bless the USA!!

— Ronny Jackson (@RonnyJacksonTX) July 14, 2024


From Donald J. Trump:

Thank you to everyone for your thoughts and prayers yesterday, as it was God alone who prevented the unthinkable from happening. We will FEAR NOT, but instead remain resilient in our Faith and Defiant in the face of Wickedness. Our love goes out to the other victims and their families. We pray for the recovery of those who were wounded, and hold in our hearts the memory of the citizen who was so horribly killed. In this moment, it is more important than ever that we stand United, and show our True Character as Americans, remaining Strong and Determined, and not allowing Evil to Win. I truly love our Country, and love you all, and look forward to speaking to our Great Nation this week from Wisconsin.


Final thoughts: Dan Bongino stated and President Trump stated he turned his head slightly, the bullet missed his head and took a piece of his ear, then the President was calm and collected enough to duck behind the protective bunting.

And by the President making these movements, according to Bongino, Trump saved his own life—despite the Secret Service perhaps working against him.

But this is not the end of these final thoughts. Many of us believe President Trump’s survival was providence, i.e., God was one other entity that played a mighty role in this event.

Thank you, God.