Predictably, After Trump Assassination Plot, Liberals and Mass Propaganda Media Warn of Dangerous “Right Wing Rhetoric”

Now, following the Trump assassination attempt, there are claims officials are warning the biggest threat will be from “retaliatory violence” from the right.

This from

Kamala Harris tweeted a condemnation followed by:

[V]iolence such as this has no place in our nation. We must all condemn this abhorrent act and do our part to ensure that it does not lead to more violence.

What does that mean? Why should it lead to more violence?

A CNN broadcast complained about “heated rhetoric.”

On CBS News the appearance was ‘duck and cover’ with the female talking heads busy defraying any blame from The Regime:

The biggest threat…is in the form of retaliatory violence.

The rhetoric we are seeing at this hour is very concerning.

Some Republican lawmakers…drawing a line between the shooter…drawing some connection to the government.

It is unpatriotic at this moment to be stoking the flames.

Concern over this becoming a rallying cry to launch attacks against the Biden campaign.

This kind of rhetoric has a nexus to violence.

And as a finale, one female talking head compared this attempt on President Trump’s life to the unsorted affair between Nancy Pelosi’s husband and his funky late-night visitor.

Noteworthy for President Trump and We the People:

President Trump got up and said, ‘fight, fight, fight’.

But the liberal Talking Heads exclaimed:

I think what we’re hearing from people is that’s not the message we want to be sending right now. We want to tamp it down.


No sooner does leftist violence break out than the Left’s cultural apparatus warns that the real threat comes from the victims.

The Left pulls the trigger and then blames those who were shot for the violence.

Final thought: Needless to say, the violent rhetoric should have been addressed months ago. I’m thinking of Mad Maxine Waters and members of the Sharia Gang to name a few.