A Record Number of African Countries Demanding Removal of US Military Forces Is A Major Red Flag

Not a single mass propaganda media outlet is bringing attention to the American people about how many nations in Africa are kicking out U.S. military bases crucial for her security and those of her allies in the region.

This from americaoutloud.news.

As always, the communist/globalist colluding fake media are the mortal enemies of We the People specifically because they obfuscate the obscene failures of Biden and the Left and treat Americans like mushrooms—keeping us in the dark and feeding us sh*t.

Weak leaders always bring about conflict because they embolden their enemies to aggress against them in the hope of winning whatever they are coveting at that moment in time.

The Obiden Regime is the proverbial ‘paper tiger’—spineless, petty, impotent, and an empty suit— and now a treasonous tin pot military leader that overthrew an African government is demanding the removal of American troops because China or Russia is giving them better offers and more sense of security.

Who can blame them, as The Regime is throwing its allies under the bus to gain political votes? No one can trust such politically laden words or promises.

In the world of politics, people try to associate themselves with the strong, never with the weak.

The following African countries have demanded the removal of not only U.S. forces but all Western forces:

Niger, Chad,  Mali, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Gabon, and a reduced military presence in Sudan.

[W]ith the evacuation of the embassy in Haiti, [The Regime] has presided over more evacuations of U.S. embassies—a total of 11 U.S. embassies via what are known as authorized or ordered departure directives—than any other presidential administration in U.S. history.


Barack Obama presided over the second-most embassy evacuations of any administration with a total of eight over two terms (Egypt, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Central African Republic, and South Sudan), or about one a year.


Donald Trump, because he was a true leader with a spine, presided over only three partial evacuations in his four years as president.

For those who are in doubt, watch the following and decide:

These bases in Africa were to monitor—using drones—the relentless expansion of Islamic Jihad terrorism all across the continent. And because of these withdrawals, the instability of Africa will accelerate, and the dominance of Jihad will spread even more and faster. They were supposed to be the eyes and ears of the military to act how and when necessary.

The common denominator of the abovementioned states is that they are all Islamic that support Muslim Jihadi terrorists to subjugate the whole of Africa to Islamic Sharia.

All the [moslem] terrorist organizations in Africa, such as Boko Haram, al Shabab, Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal Muslimeen (JNIM), Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS), Islamic State in the West African Province (ISWAP), etc. are relentlessly slaughtering Christian and Pagan Africans on a daily basis from Mauritania to Mozambique with impunity and not a single media, politician, or clergy in the West is showing any concern; except for Islamic Hamas terrorists.

According to several think tanks:

[M]any of the incompetent State Department representatives—always remember that the Afghanistan debacle was the fault of the State Department, not the military—in these African nations were and are below par grade, who neither studied the cultures of these peoples nor were acting in the proper manner, thus creating resentment and disrespect.


Furthermore, the presence of these troops was precisely to reduce the power of the Jihadis but instead allowed them to increase because of abysmally bad or total lack of decisions.

It is sickening and frightening to realize that Western leaders have still not learned anything from the 1400 years of Islamic Jihad.

Islam’s intention to subjugate all of humanity to Sharia has time on its side. They have been achieving since 2015, the invasion of Christian Europe without firing a bullet in anger. On the contrary, they are welcomed with open arms by comatose Western leaders and their utterly stupid citizens, who are under the enormous illusion that moslems will ever become Westernized.

Time is on the side of Islam, and Western Europe will fall under Sharia within 10 to 20 years if there is no reversal of path. Is Africa next and then the United States?

