Union President at RNC Convention Said Donald Trump Is “One Tough S.O.B.”

The Republican National Convention began on Monday night.

Despite the attempt on his life, President Trump bravely attended the convention, much to the joy of everyone in attendance.

There, he was given a new nickname that is nothing short of epic.

This from thepatriotjournal.com.

One of the best moments of the night came when the Teamsters President Sean M. O’Brien took the stage to deliver a stirring speech. During his remarks, he debuted a new nickname for Trump that conservatives everywhere are sure to love.

From CNN, O’Brien said:

Whether people like him or they don’t like him,

in light of what happened to him on Saturday,

he has proven to be one tough S.O.B.

After the way Trump handled being shot on Saturday, even the most shamelessly left-wing communists/globalists would be hard-pressed to deny that he is “one tough S.O.B.”

Had Trump moved his head just a little to the right, he would have died on Saturday. Many in his position would understandably need time out of the public eye to emotionally recover from this ordeal, but not Trump. Instead, it was immediately back to work for Trump as he quickly resumed his efforts to take back America from the left and make this country great again.

As for the rest of the Union president’s speech, CNN did not take it well.

More from CNN:

The strangest thing about the speech delivered in prime time by Sean O’Brien, the International Brotherhood of Teamsters president, was that it happened at a Republican convention.

Labor unions have long overwhelmingly supported Democrats—and have fought anti-union policies backed by Republicans, particularly in Wisconsin.

But O’Brien, the head of a 1.3 million member union that has not endorsed in the 2024 presidential race, said he refuses ‘to keep doing the same thing my predecessors did.’

O’Brien explained:

Today, the Teamsters are here to say, we are not beholden to anyone or any party.

The head of the Teamsters speaking at the Republican National Convention may indeed seem strange to the liberal elites of this country who have lost all touch with reality. To the rest of us, however, there’s nothing strange about it at all.

In recent years, it’s become clear that the Republican Party is now the party of America’s working class. Of late, democrats have shown themselves to be communists/globalists and are more focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion than they are on anything else.

They’d rather spend their time trying to assist illegal aliens instead of helping working class Americans who are struggling to keep food on the table.

O’Brien said in his speech:

The American people aren’t stupid.

They know the system is broken.

We all know how Washington is run.

Working people have no chance of winning this fight.

This could not be more spot on.

What O’Brien had to say here should serve as the ultimate wakeup call for those who still see themselves as democrats, who are now without a political party because their party turned communist/globalist. Their once-loved party has gone so far off the rails with politically correct nonsense that they have lost the respect of American workers.

For decades, democrats took the American working class for granted, thinking they would always have them in their pockets. In the end, democrats went too far and now they are finally learning the hard way that they were dead wrong.

Democrats have lost both the trust and the votes of American workers. Anyone with any sense will say, ‘It is too late for the Left to ever get us back.’