Criminal Behavior: State Dept Destroyed Docs Tying It to Afghanistan Terror Cash

The Obiden State Department has done everything possible to cover up its actions in Afghanistan.

This from

As previously reported, there has been an ongoing struggle between the State Dept. and the Afghanistan watchdog (SIGAR).

In June, the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s office (SIGAR), dispatched letters to Secretary of State Blinken and Samantha Power complaining that the State Department and USAID were stonewalling its investigation of waste, corruption, and terror cash.

The letter to Power complained:

Two SIGAR audits are also being hindered by a lack of cooperation from State and USAID.  The first evaluates your agencies’ compliance with the laws and regulations prohibiting transfers of funds to members of the Taliban and the Haqqani Network.

At one point State was actively forbidding employees from cooperating with SIGAR while trying to close down the Afghanistan war watchdog. When that failed, State is just destroying documents, as SIGAR reveals in its latest report. (via Adam Kredo at Free Beacon.)

The [Obiden Regime] doesn’t know if millions of dollars in taxpayer funds sent to Afghanistan are falling into the Taliban’s hands because its terrorism vetting files are incomplete—or, in some instances, destroyed—a government audit found.

The State Department ‘initially refused to cooperate with this audit and destroyed the [Risk Analysis Management] vetting documents for unselected implementing partners in accordance with its records retention policy before we could examine them.’

The watchdog group ultimately determined that State’s DRL and INL bureaus ‘did not comply with federal document retention requirements because supporting documentation to demonstrate their compliance with State partner vetting requirements was missing from the bureaus’ award files.’

The State Department also ‘acknowledged that not all bureaus complied with document retention requirements” and that there are “gaps in compliance with federal and internal document retention requirements.’

DRL, for instance, was only able to produce proper vetting documents for ‘three of its seven awards, while the partner vetting documentation for four of its awards were missing from its contracting files,’ according to the investigation.

This is criminal behavior that is not being treated as such and it’s being done to cover up even worse crimes. Under The Regime, State continues directing massive amounts of money into terrorist territories, including over $2 billion into Afghanistan, while handing out special licenses to the nonprofits it funnels money through to deal with Islamic terrorists. And this will eventually get Americans killed.

Final thoughts: The determination and reporting of truth is politically dependent. That is, when the right is in control, the media is second guessing and doubting everything they do; when the left is in control, the media provides the smoke, the mirrors, and the verbal obfuscation.

This biased reporting subsequently encourages forthright behavior by the right and enables immoral lawlessness by the left.