Joe Biden Makes Absolutely Bizarre Claim in BET Interview

Joe Biden made an absolutely bizarre claim in the Black Entertainment Television (BET) interview he sat through a couple days ago.

In the clip below, Biden actually claims he is getting ‘heat’ for appointing a black man as his Secretary of Defense.

This from

Biden said:

Look at the heat I’m getting because I, I named a, uh, the, uh, secretary of defense—the black man. I’ve named Ketanji Brown. I mean, because of the people I’ve named…

Say that again:

The black man???

Biden cannot talk straight!

But tell me, exactly what ‘heat’ is Biden getting over appointing Lloyd Austin to Secretary of Defense? Nobody cares that he’s black!

He may get criticism because of incompetence or something, but nobody cares about his skin color.

The same with Ketanji Brown. Competency is an issue. Buy no one cares that she’s black.

Many care that she’s a radical leftist who has little respect for the Constitution and shouldn’t be in the court system at all, especially on the Supreme Court.

This is just a bold-faced lie from Joe Biden. He’s intentionally being divisive to paint Trump and Republicans as racists.

Every time Biden opens his mouth, he demonstrates just how dark his soul must be.